Shamu's Story

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Shamu's P.O.V.

"Hi, you all know who I am. But for those of you who don't... I'm Shamu. The ORIGINAL Shamu, and the orca who started it all for Seaworld's entertainment industry in killer whales. This is my tragic but TRUE story" 

Origins and a Tragic Loss

I was born to a Southern Resident pod in the wild ocean waters. I've stayed close with my mother since my birth. Until one tragic day on October 31st, 1965, when I was only about two-years-old, things would change for me forever.  

I was hunting with my family off Penn Cove by Puget Sound, when suddenly something attacked us with boats and nets, plus these strange flying things above. My mother brutally attacked the boats, trying to get them away from me when BAM! I watched in complete shock and horror as my mother was killed right in front of my eyes by a harpoon. 

I cried hysterically as I refused to leave my mother's body, until the strange creatures forcefully took me away, making me the fourth orca ever captured. The 3 previous ones being Wanda, who died just two days after capture. Moby Doll, who was harpooned and died in a sea pen 3 months later. And, Namu. 


I was knocked out for God knows how long. When I woke up, my skin was a bit dry and I was in a stretcher surrounded by these alien-like creatures with clothes on to cover their bodies. These strange creatures I soon learned were known as humans. They soon took me to a place called "Griffin's Seattle public aquarium".  

"Heck if I'd know what that is" 

Once the humans had lowered me into this tiny sea pen, I saw a much older and bigger male orca. His name was Namu. He seemed nice and wise. I guessed that Ted Griffin, the owner of the aquarium, had captured me because he wanted me to be a companion for Namu and eventually mate. 

"Are you serious?!" I thought.   

I didn't even like Namu, nor did I get along with him during my stay at the aquarium. Besides, I was way too young for him, plus he wasn't even my type. I mean... He was from a completely different pod. Most likely the Northern residents.  

Example: When Kalina, Seaworld's Original Baby Shamu was born, her parents were both completely different ecotypes of killer whale. While her mother Katina was Icelandic, her father Winston was a Southern Resident. Making Kalina a half Icelandic/half Southern Resident hybrid. A unique way of breeding killer whales in captivity that never would've occurred in the wild. 

These humans quickly gave me the name Shamu, which means "Friend of Namu" (alternately 'She-Namu').

Seaworld and Making History: A Star is Born

I soon learned that Ted Griffin had decided to sell me to a place you all know called "Seaworld" in San Diego, California, instead of releasing me back into the wild. But I didn't care, I was too sad that I had already lost my mother. What was the point of me going back when half of my family was already gone. 

In December of 1965, I became the first killer whale to travel in an airplane. It was cool, plus a great accomplishment for the killer whale industry. I was on that plane for more than ten hours, I think? I wasn't keeping track as I was too tired during the duration of the trip, until I finally arrived at Seaworld San Diego. Seaworld had just opened up a year prior to my arrival, and was looking for something new to draw in the crowds. And little did they know, that something was going to be me. 

When the humans, who were now going to be known as my trainers lowered me into my new home, I was glad to touch the cold water again, yet this water felt very different. It wasn't like the natural cold salt water from the ocean at all. Plus, no matter how hard the trainers tried to make it feel like home, for me to be honest, the pool felt like a tiny fishbowl. Though, if you've ever been to Seaworld these days, they've improved and built the tanks to be much bigger now over the past decades.  

I was the first killer whale ever to be held at a Seaworld park and had quickly become the star attraction. The crowds of people loved me as they "Oohed" and "Awed" while I jumped out of the pool, performing in shows daily. I even let my trainers get in the water and swim with me. This training technique later would me known as "Waterworks", something that the trainers would use to train most of their whales at Seaworld.  

My mother had told me stories back then when people viewed our kind only as monsters, dangerous wolves of the sea. But now that I was at Seaworld, I was at least glad to be making a difference and showing the world that orcas are friendly. Like the old saying "Never judge a book by its cover"  

But I was still a wild animal with unbelievable strength and power. And I would remind the world that on April 19th, 1971. But i'll get to that later.  

I was alone for the first few years. Until in 1967, I was introduced and joined by two young male orcas, Kilroy and Ramu. Then met a female, Kandu once she moved to the park in 1969. Kilroy and I became great friends and we were very close with each other. Unfortunately, we never had any offspring together. I told him that I didn't want my baby to be born a slave and end up like us.      

The Attack 

April 19th, 1971~ 

A woman named Annette Eckis, who was a Seaworld employee, had been offered to ride me for a filmed publicity stunt. She had been wearing a bikini during this and wasn't informed that I only worked with people in wetsuits. It had made me confused, plus I hadn't been feeling well earlier that day.  

My natural killer instincts took over, as I was hurt from what these humans had done to me... I wanted to hurt them back. 

So without warning, I threw the woman off of me, then lunged at her. Grabbing her leg tight in my mouth and I refused to let go. Eventually, rescuers had to forcefully pry my mouth open, releasing the woman from my grasp. I was immediately retired from shows after the incident. 

Sadly, I died only four months later, in August 1971.   

Aftermath and the Present Day

After my death, I had become so well known by the public that as of today, Seaworld has been continuously using my name as a stage name for their signature killer whale shows. And has been prominently used throughout their parks to carry on my legacy. 

And so, may you always remember that it all started with me. A killer whale named... Shamu.   

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