Trua's Story

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Trua's P.O.V.

"Greetings! Or how your species says it... Hey, what's up?" 

"My name is Trua, which means 'Believe' in Icelandic. Which was also the name for one of Seaworld's previous killer whale shows, 'Believe'. 

As you can clearly see by now, I'm a killer whale. But I'd prefer the scientific name 'Orcinus Orca'. I'll let you in on a little secret... we don't like being called 'killer whales', puts a bad rep on our species, ya know what I mean? We're more like 'gentle giants'. To your surprise, we're not whales at all. We are actually the largest of the dolphins. 

Anyway, let me tell you all about the story of yours truly. 

"Believe" (Trua's birth)

Thanksgiving, November 23rd, 2005 (Seaworld Orlando, Shamu Stadium)~

I remember it was dark... very dark. But soon I saw light... a bright light. Then a big black and white creature swimming right next to me, looking at me. 

"He's here, Mommy! He's here!" a 'she' this strange creature was, shouted to someone with joy in her voice. 

I looked over to my other side to see another large black and white creature swimming besides me. I'd soon find out that it was my mother. And the creature she was, was a killer whale or orca. And that's what I was too. 

I swam around my home as this was all so new to me, considering I had just been born. My mother, her name was Takara, helped guided me up to the surface of the water in this large thing called a pool or tank to take my first breath. Along with some assistance from the other younger female, who was actually revealed to be my half older sister Kohana, who was the one who shouted out in joy when I was born. 

My dad was the second largest male living at the park at that time. His name was Taku. My grandmother lived all the way across the country at a different park called Seaworld San Diego. Her name was Kasatka, and she's my mom's mom. 

"Wow, so this is my world" I thought to myself, while I was swimming around with my mother and sister, discovering the beginnings of my life in this new and mysterious world.  

A Born Performer (The Early Years)

This was all so weird. I was curious with every new little thing around me, and was already learning so much from my mother. 

She told me that these strange, naked creatures with oddly colored skin were our trainers, who took care of us with all their love and passion. And their strange colored skin were actually called wetsuits, which they wore while they swam in the water with us. 

The trainers would give us these strange hand signals, which was their way of communicating to us to do tricks, like stuff I'd later find out were front flips, back flips, dives, break-spins. And my favorite... the rocket hops!

There were also these weird gatherings everyday in the main stadium tank. My mom told me the humans called them 'shows'. 

"Why are they called that?" I asked her curiously. 

"Beats me" my mom just shrugged her shoulders, as we continued swimming together. 

I soon began performing with my mom all the time in, ssshhh-oooww-zzz? Such a weird name you people would call it. 


My sister Kohana was soon moved to a park in Spain called 'Loro Parque' in 2006, along with three other orcas. My aunt Skyla, and my uncles Keto and Tekoa. 

The years quickly went by and before I knew it, it was already 2007. Man, I'm already growing up so fast. 

Taima, another female living at the park had given birth that year to a female calf named Malia. She and i immediately became best friends and got along great. Always having fun playing together, along with another young calf born prior to Malia, Nalani. 

The Orca Chronicles: By Adventuregirl5Where stories live. Discover now