Kyuquot's Story

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Kyuquot's P.O.V. 

"Hi, everybody! I'm Kyuquot! Or Ky for short"

"I'm big! I'm powerful! And I'm a killer whale!"

"And this is the story of my life..."

"Land of many Winds" (Kyuquot's birth)

The first thing I remember was is that it was very cold and dark. And that's when I first saw my mother and she swam right alongside me, gently lifting me up to the surface of the water to take my first breath. 

I was born in a very small tank in Victoria Canada on Christmas Eve 1991, at a very strange place called Sealand of the Pacific. There I lived with my mom, Haida 2, another female who was a good friend of my mother's, Nootka 4. 

There was also another unknown male whale who remained alone and locked up in the back holding tank. I didn't know who he was, but I remember he was very large.  

He didn't stay here long and was soon moved away to some other mysterious place. When I asked my mother who he was she didn't want to talk about it, until one day when she finally told me... it was my father, Tilikum. 

We didn't stay here at Sealand for long either, as he place had been shut down after incident which resulted in a trainer's death that involved my parents and Nootka. 

We were all soon sent to other parks across the US that strangely held killer whales too. A place called... Seaworld? 

"I'm not sure what the smelt that word's suppose to mean at all"

Baby's 1st Seaworld Trip

Mom and I were sent to the Seaworld in San Antonio Texas while my dad Tilikum and Nootka were sent to the Seaworld in Orlando Florida. I didn't know I'd never see my father again. 

We met a few nice whales once we arrived at the park and my mom quickly took over the role as matriarch of the pod. 

*Smiles and slightly blushes* "My mom is so awesome. Don't tell anyone I said that though" 

Soon I started seeing more and more of these strange creatures wandering about our home, watching our every move. It was creepy. They had pale skin and no tails. My mother told me they were called 'humans', but don't ask me where they came up with a weird name like that. 

They would where these strange pieces of clothing over their bodies, something they called 'wetsuits'. I guess it was for helping them to stay and swim in the 52 degree salt water with us. 

We spent our daily lives at Seaworld San Antonio, where I have grown up and remained there since to this very day. I met a lot of other whales there and would perform in shows daily with all of them. 

The crowds loved us. I was the biggest, bestest splasher, just like how my dad was in Florida. 

The humans who were known as our trainers were soon trying to teach me to do some crazy things in the water with them. 

"What are they doing?" I thought. 

I soon found out that these behaviors were called 'Waterworks'. Almost all the whales here at Seaworld were trained for them, aside from my mom. And soon, I got the hang of it to.

Calf to Teen

One day I was in the back tank with the other teen boys, and most especially the girls. We were about to go out to perform when my mom swam over. She told me to come give her a kiss before I headed out. 

I was blushing madly as I darted back and could see the girls staring at me and giggling. *Sighs* Sometimes it's not easy being a teenager. 

I told my mom to leave as she was embarrassing me in front of the rest of the pod. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2021 ⏰

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