Katina's Story

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Katina's P.O.V.

"Hello, everybody. My, what a lovely bunch you are. My name is Katina, and I'm here to tell you my story" 

A Mother's Cry (Captured)

Like most wild orcas, I was born in the cold waters of Iceland where I lived with my mother and rest of a pod up to 40 orcas. 

October 26th, 1978. Iceland~

We were all out hunting for schools of herring that morning... and that's when it happened. 

Boats, nets, yelling all around me!

I didn't know what was going on as everything was happening so fast. I got separated from my mother and corralled into a little netted area with many other young orcas, including Kasatka. 

We were being looked over by these strange, hairless, pale like creatures my mother told me were called humans. 

I was frightened as I was soon placed in this weird sling thing humans called a stretcher and lifted me up out of the water and onto their boat with the other young calves. 

The cries from my mother and pod still haunt me to this very day. 

That's when my journey into the world of humans had abruptly begun.... 

New Home (Seaworld)

Once we had finally stopped and hit the water again, the humans let me out of the stretcher. But we were all still traumatized and disorientated at what just happened to us, we couldn't even swim. So, the humans came and helped carry us around the tiny pool so we wouldn't drown while we all tried to recover. 

"Why was this happening to us?" I thought tearfully. "Why did they have to take me away from my mother? Would I ever get to see her again?"  

There was nothing good about life... just all bad. 

I had to be nice to these people though since they fed me, took care of me, and provided me with all sorts of things to keep me and the others happy the best they could. This was the only home I've known now, besides the ocean. The water didn't feel like the cool fresh ocean I had felt before though. 

Things were really different now. 

I was soon taken to a place called Seaworld, along with my pod mate, Kasatka. 

"Seaworld? Hmm?" I thought to myself. We heard it was the most popular place for killer whales. But what could that really mean for us and our entire species, we wondered? 

The two of us lived at all three Seaworld parks at the time only every few months, as they kept switching us out between the parks during the summer seasons. 

Soon one day, at the San Diego park, me and the other girls met Winston. The only male bull killer whale living at the park at that time. 

I suddenly had this funny feeling when I first saw Winston.... I think I like him. 

Did I just say that? I must be talking crazy. 

"Well, hey there" Winston swam over and winked at me, trying to charm me.  

I giggled and turned away shyly, blushing a bit. 

"I'm Winston" he introduced himself. "You... wanna hang out?" he asked me a bit slowly. 

I looked straight at him and froze in thought. "Me? He wanted to hang out with me?" I thought, when he already had Kasatka, Kenau and all the other females to hang out with, he wanted me?

The Orca Chronicles: By Adventuregirl5Where stories live. Discover now