Chapter 16: She's gone!!😨

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Armaan's P.O.V
He just took out his phone and licked his lips nervously and showed a picture of a message in his phone.

I was shocked and really scared to lose laila now.

The message scared the shit out of me.....fearing of losing laila was eating me up. The message was sent by someone to laila.....i looked upto khalid with a shocked expression i am sure he was scared of seeing my eyes poping out the socket.!!

The message read that.....
Hi Khalid,
I know your reading this message because you have my doll and also her mobile phone.....i know you would check her phone.....hahahaha your a gangster and even Armaan is....he knew about me how come you didn't know. I wanted to bring you out and its because of you that i had to go away from my doll my stalked her all the way long, you fucking shot me!, you blackmailed laila and now you have the audacity to take her with you and marry her forcefully. Hahaha you better keep your guards on because I am coming behind you to take what's mine and I know you'll show this message to you both better know have to options leave my doll alone or die! Decide! I will have her because she is destined to be with me and she is stupid of you both to think that I could die and that too so easily in a snap of a second! Anyways i know my doll hates me because i did this to her but i will make it upto her soon!
                                                  ~my doll's love❤️
                                                      Malik khan

My fear reached no level i was scared to lose her ....lose her forever. Malik was alive how could he do this ....why did he do this.... I should have known Malik cannot die so easily....He won't take the risk of leaving laila alone.

I looked at khalid and some thought hit both of us and ran upto laila's room. We knocked her door but she did not open it...we waited there called out for her but no answer....our fear was at its peak we broke in and she was no where to be seen we searched my whole mansion but she had disappeared .....either she ran away or she had been taken away.

Laila's family were worried and guilty. They knew she was safe if she had been taken away but worried that what if she ran away....😰

After searching for her i went to her room and decided to find any clue i went inside the closet and found it in utter mess .....the clothes were all on the floor and thrown here and there and there was a note lying on the seat......just as i was about to read the note khalid came running to me to show me something.

He took me to laila's window and told me, "This is how she escaped!!"

There was a rope made by knotting of clothes .....laila had climbed down using this....damn i hope her limbs are fine....this girl had risked her life ..... she is crazy!! By seeing that thing we both knew that she ran away but now we were worried because she was all alone without phone without money and clothes or shelter.

We decided to find her as fast as possible before she lands up in some trouble .....i ordered my men to search details for her and khalid did the same .....the most surprising thing for me was khalid had alot more contact then me ....and people feared him more then me. I brushed away those thoughts and decided to focus on laila and then deal with my doll's lover boys ... Khalid and Malik!

As we were putting efforts finding her i remembered about the note i found in laila's room i quickly took it out and khalid and i both began to read it....

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