Chapter Thirteen: Thunderbolts and Lightning

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"Alright, is everyone clear on the plan?" Bakugou grunts as he glances over the small swamp of slightly-concerned faces. Well, I guess not everyone's as worried as one another; when it comes to those who're actually involved in the plan themselves, they look pretty excited. Kaminari, however, seems most eager out of all of them, his golden eyes fluttering with a buzz of energy.

"Hell yeah, man! My quirk's finally useful!" He chirps, grinning and pushing his fingers through his hair with a smug smirk. I know how that feels- to have a power that nobody ever wants you to use. Because 'Rin, there's a safer way', or 'Rin, your hellfire's too much', or 'Rin, you can't rely on your flames for everything'. Any time someone tells me I'm good to go with my flames, it's like they're offering me the keys to a goddamn candy store.

But, despite his excitement, everyone else just casts the odd look at one another. Uncertainty, for sure. Apprehension too. And then, mixed in there, there's distrust. Doubt. They don't think he's up to it. He doesn't seem to notice, but it's clear to anyone whose mind isn't buzzing with the thoughts of how this plan is going to play out.

"Are you sure he's the best one for the job? You know how he gets," Jiro finally murmurs, keeping her voice quite to avoid it reaching Kaminari's ears. Of course, I catch on to her words, but I don't show any sort of reaction. I just keep my vision fixed with the demon overhead. Leviathan- it all makes sense now. I remember Yukio warning me about him, and I guess he came a lot quicker than my twin had expected. Not only that, but he's also working on summoning whatever the hell is making all that noise in the waters below. Once it's fully here, who knows what it'll be able to do?

"He can do this. We just need to make sure someone can catch him and-"

"-Look, it's a good plan. But it's too risky. If his quirk hits even the smallest bit of water outside the ice walls, it'll electrify it and he might end up killing a lot of people."

"We've thought about that. We know the risks. Kirishima and the others have already gotten a lot of the civilians to stable, dry ground. I can't see there being many people in harm's way."

"Even still-"

"-We're doing it, and that's the damn end of it. Shut up and sit down," Bakugou finally growls, shooting a vicious glare Jiro's way before standing, turning his attention to the small group gearing up to put this plan into motion. "The second muscle tail tosses you all, you've gotta work quick, else that bastard's gonna catch on. Got it?"

"Right," Uraraka murmurs, flashing a look my way. I get it- I'm the exorcist, I should have an input on this. But the reality is simple... I'm nothing without my flames. I don't know any rituals that could repel this thing without injuring myself in the process. And if suffering from demon-banishing wards isn't a huge red flag that I'm a demon, then I don't know what is.

"Well, I'm ready to go whenever you guys are. We can't waste time," Ojiro hums, helping the three heroes to their feet with a confident smile. Gotta respect a guy who can face a situation like this with a grin like that. Guess that's what makes these kids great heroes in theory- though it feels like we can't win, they're not backing down. No, they're fighting back. Even though they know full well what could happen to them if they mess this up.


"I'm ready too."

"I was born ready! Let's get this done!" Kaminari chimes, throwing his fist in the air with a wide, infectious grin, soft sparks wrapping around his fingertips.

"Good luck," I mutter, taking my place and flexing my fingers. If nothing else, at least I can help with making sure that all of them get out safely before the ball of electrified water drops. No turning back. No second thoughts. Either we do this right now, or we don't do it at all.

And that's when the whole plan is set into motion. Not moments after my words hit the air, Ojiro wraps his arms around the three of them, keeping Uraraka and Kaminari under one arm, whilst Todoroki settles beneath the other. There's so much riding on this one toss, and yet, Ojiro pulls it off astoundingly.

First, he takes off towards the nearest vertical surface, using his tail to propel him off of the boat. Then, with expert timing, he launches himself off of the nearest building, the strength of his tail pushing him through the air at a speed that's hard to keep track of. The only time I manage to catch up with everything again is when I see Todoroki get tossed towards Leviathan's pillars of water. In the blink of an eye, the walls freeze over completely, blocking the demon from sight.

However, above him, liquid rapidly starts to take the shape of a giant orb in the sky, Uraraka's silhouette in the distance only visible thanks to the vivid colours of her costume. "Alright, we're up!" I call, turning my attention back to Deku. Using his previous momentum, Ojiro will only be able to catch Todoroki, which means it's up to Deku and I to retrieve Kaminari and Uraraka.

And we don't waste a single second; as soon as I give the command, the pair of us launch in our separate directions. Deku, surrounded by emerald lightning, takes off towards Uraraka, whilst I use all of the strength I can collect in my legs to launch my body towards Kaminari. The exact moment my feet leave the floor, however, a blinding flash suddenly explodes overhead, flooding my vision with a stark white that refuses to shift. Kaminari must've zapped the bubble which, in itself, is great. Except I can't see a damn thing, and I especially can't spot him.

Until- SLAM! A body collides with my own, and I grip my arms around it like my life will end in that moment if I don't. Whoever it is, they're holding on just as tight, small hisses of pain jumping up and down my exposed skin. I don't have time to ask, nor do I have the chance to look. I just let the jump carry me to my initial goal, my shoulder finally grazing the roof of a nearby building. The landing's rough, and I swear I hear something snap, but I don't let go for anything. "Kaminari?" I pant, my nerves totally shot.

So I spend time just lying there, struggling to breathe, but getting just enough air into my lungs to keep myself conscious. The pain from my shoulder is overwhelming, but I bear with it. I let my vision clear, and I force my head to lift off of the ground beneath me. And, when I look, all I see is an electric waterfall tumbling into the tube of ice encasing Leviathan. Then there's a scream and... Silence. 


Is it over? Did we win?

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