Chapter Thirty-Five: An Unlikely Outcome

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To say I spend the rest of the day kissing, cuddling and enjoying every single second I have left with Kamiari wouldn't even be an overstatement. I treat every minute like it could be my last; the second the damn blondie walks through that door, it's over for me. I doubt I'll ever see Kaminari again, so we just make the most of it. We catch up for time we've lost, right down to the dumb stuff. Like him telling me what new memes popped up while I was asleep.

Honestly, it's so perfect. Just being with him is everything I could've asked for in my final hours, but that doesn't make the sinking sensation softer when there's finally a knock on the door. And, when it slides open to reveal none other than the tall, slender frame of Arthur, the paladin himself, it feels as though every shred of happiness within me crawls in a pit to die. Just like I probably will when I eventually have to end up following him.

"Rin Okumura, you have been summoned by the Grigori, and they have appointed me as your escort," he hums, his voice as pompous as ever. I think if he had his head any further up his ass, you'd see his face sticking outta his own mouth. Still, I don't really think I'm in any place to treat this like a joke. Even if I can't help but wonder why he's being so civil; last time, he pretty much dragged me down to the Vatican by the scruff of my neck.

"Uh... Right," I mutter, quickly pecking Kaminari's cheek one last time before shakily trying to ease myself up. It isn't easy, and I have to essentially lean on my lightning rod to stay steady, but I manage to stand as straight as I can. I might be fresh outta a mini coma, but I'm not gonna let this pompous blondie look down on me like I'm just a bit of dirt on his shoe.

Well, I guess it's kinda unavoidable. As long as I'm a demon, he's gonna treat me like vermin. And he makes this perfectly clear; as soon as I've shuffled close enough, he snaps his hand around my wrist and yanks me forward. "Hey! Ease off, asshole!" I snap, jerking my arm back to free it from his hold. I hate the way he smirks at my irritation.

"Don't even begin to think you're in any position to be making demands," he snorts, placing himself between Kaminari and I. Before I can even say my goodbyes, I'm pushed out of the room, and the door is sealed shut behind us. So this is it. Welcome to my last hour on this earth.


"Rin Okumura. Son of Satan. I'm sure you understand why you have been summoned here tonight." As the Grigori's voices boom through the grand hall confining me underground, I just keep my hands tucked between my legs and my head held high. Mostly because this is the first time they haven't forced me to kneel, though that doesn't mean that I've escaped having the edge of Arthur's sword against the back of my neck. Some things never change. 

"I ah- Yeah, I've got a pretty good idea," I mutter, eyes sweeping around the overhanging balconies, crowds upon crowds of people peering down at me. Some with malice in their faces, others with sheer curiosity. And then there are the ones who look downright petrified of me, clutching their crosses and canisters of holy water. I even spot a couple True Cross exorcists among them, clusters of little red dots all over my head no doubt. Snipers, ready to shoot the second the word is given.

Just stay calm, Rin. If you don't freak out, you can't screw anything up. Just don't flare up. Keep it together.

"Exactly six days, six hours and six minutes ago, you erupted into blue flames in front of the students your brother put into your care. Not only did you carelessly use your satanic abilities, but you endangered the lives of every person present on that mountain. The spectacle could be seen from this very building," they explain, sullen tones looming over me like a cloud of guilt over my conscience. I know. I know I risked everyone's lives. I was outta control, that- Well it doesn't take a genius to work that out. But-

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