Chapter Thirty-Two: The Big Three

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I just have one job- Wake Todoroki up. Easier said than done, but I try nonetheless. Settling down beside him, ignoring the pain throbbing through my scarred arms, I gently press my palms to his chest and try my best to shake him awake. Honestly, with all of the explosions Kacchan's letting off, I'm surprised nobody else has shifted out of unconsciousness by now. The battle sounds absolutely hellish, and I can't say I'm in a rush to leap into it.

But... Okumura is in danger. I don't know what's happening, and, frankly, I don't think I want to. But he's our teacher. He's done everything for us- he's taught us everything we need to know for emergencies like this. Sure, this is probably on the harder end of the spectrum than the low-level demons we were fighting in training, but that doesn't mean we can't try. Sure, this demon managed to best our entire class in one fell swoop, but that doesn't mean we can't try. We have to. It's what heroes do.

So I put a little more heart into rousing Todoroki from his unconscious state. Shaking him a little harder, I flash glances over my shoulder every now and then, watching Kacchan go. Smoke and embers of all different colours twist around one another in the thick shafts of moonlight, and yet, I can barely spot the blonde. It's only when the flashes of his explosions illuminate the depths of the woods do I catch small glimpses of him. And, each time, he looks even more worse for wear. He can't fight on his own. He needs us.

"Mnh... Midoriya?" As soon as Todoroki's raspy tone breaks the air, I instantly snap my attention back to him. His hand has wrapped around my own, gripping it nice and tight. And then his vision trails off over my shoulder, fixing with the spiral of blue fire swirling into Okumura's chest. "What's-"

"-I don't know. But there's a demon out there, and Kacchan can't fight it alone. He needs our help," I stammer, pulling him to his feet with a small grunt. When he stumbles, I support him. When I stagger a little, he catches me, our arms hooked around one another's waist. "It's strong, but we can't give up. We can't let it take Mr. Okumura," I explain, desperately trying to formulate a plan. It won't be expecting us- at least, I hope it won't. So how can we go about fighting it?

And then a plan hits me. It might not be enough to kill it, but we might be able to slow it down at least. "Todoroki, the holy water. Is there any of it left?" I ask, fluttering my eyes around the small clearing. Most of our supplies were destroyed when the demon initially attacked, but, if luck is on our side, then the gallons of holy water that we brought with us for insurance should still be here.

And, after only a few seconds of searching, however, I quickly spot one plastic container settled beside one of the burning tents. Just the one, all the others resting on their sides, the contents having no doubt been absorbed by the mossy ground.

"There's one left. What's your plan?"

"How good are you at freezing water in your hands?"

"I- Well... Not great. One side will freeze it, but the other just heats it up again. I don't think I can-"

"-Shouto, we have to do this. You can do this. I believe in you."

"I... Well I can try." Hold on, Kacchan. We're coming.



I dunno how much longer I can keep this up. Despite all the hits Okumura's clearly landed on this demon, it's nowhere near as weak as I'd like it to be. Every one of my attacks seems like nothing to him- he just flicks his hand and the explosions vanish before they can even hit him. And, once he's cleared a path, he takes the chance to launch at me, those disgusting claws of his cutting pieces of my skin and clothes to ribbons. Bastard. I can't give in, no way in hell.

But there are rings of black around the edges of my vision. My arms throb from overusing my quirk, and I can barely land without stumbling. C'mon, Katsuki. Keep fighting. You've fought off villains before, this... This guy ain't shit to you. And then I take another swipe to the face, Lucifer's movements faster than I can even try to keep up with. It's like tryna fight Iida on steroids.

By the time he's done playing with me, my body just lays limp on the ground, every bit of exposed skin sizzling and smoking. Kirishima... I wish you were fighting alongside me- if you were here, we'd be able to kick this guy's ass.

"You humans are so dull. Even with your flashy powers," he hisses, swishing his tail as he advances towards me, gripping my hair in his fist. I wish I didn't cry out like a pussy when he rips my head off of the floor, only to slam it down again. "Watching you try so hard is amusing, but now you're just boring me." Before he can taunt me any more, I shove my arm between his ankles and snag my fingers around his tail, wrenching it as hard as I can.

And man, does he let out an ungodly howl of pain, dropping my hair and staggering backwards. All I can wonder is if that's how horrifying I look when I'm pissed off; as soon as his eyes fall upon me again, they're almost murderous. Fury twists in his irises, which slowly start to dissolve into a sheer white. Well... I tried. The only thing left to do is survive. Even though it's like pushing my body through layers of concrete, I slowly pull myself to my feet again, spacing my legs and crumpling my hands into feeble fists. Adrenaline in the only thing keeping me going, vision blurry as Lucifer leaps towards me with claws aimed towards my throat.

However, before I can even try to dodge out of the way, ice suddenly appears directly in front of me, a wall of the stuff pouring mist as it completely blocks Lucifer's attack.

"Kacchan!" Deku cries, sparks of green lightning twisting around his legs as he throws a fully-loaded kick right into Lucifer's gut, knocking the demon down. He springs up almost instantly, but he's affronted by what, at first, look like crystal balls in Icy-Hot's hands. And then I realise what they really are when they burst against the demon's skin, creating sizzling sores all over him. They really went and did it. They're using frozen holy water.

"C'mon, Bakugou. It's not over," Todoroki murmurs, wrapping his arm around me to prop me up. Of course, I scowl and shove him away, only to stagger and stumble back into him again. Alright. Just this once, I'll let him help me. Once I've stopped swaying, the pair of us stand and watch Deku leap all over the place, the green-haired loser bouncing off of trees and boulders and even Lucifer himself with each fresh attack. "I need to make more platforms for him. We'll take it from here," he assures me, pressing his palm to the floor and springing up pillars of ice for Deku to vault off of.

"No way, Icy-Hot, I'm not done yet!" I snap, growling and narrowing my eyes at Lucifer. And the absolute hell that Deku is putting him through. Honestly, I can't help but smirk a little, only to catch Icy-Hot glancing at me in the corner of my eye. "Hey, don't look at me like that!" I snap, tightening my hands into fists. I'm only seconds away from pushing off of the ground and launching myself back into the fray when, out of nowhere, a sudden flood crashes into the area. Icy-Hot's frozen spires melt almost instantly, and it takes all we have to not let the twisting torrents sweep us away. Because that ain't a wave of water.

It's a tsunami of bright blue fire. 

And, when I turn my head, I'm not really sure who I'm looking at first. Hair stained a blinding white, matching the tail that twists and snaps at the air behind it. Ears sharp and longer than I've ever seen them. Nails like talons, coming to deadly points by his sides. Fangs bared, like ivory razors poking out from beneath his upper lip. But his eyes are the same- piercingly blue, not unlike the fires that pour from him in waves with a blinding ferocity.

Okumura. He ain't a Blue Goblin anymore.

He's a Blue Exorcist.



so i know that rin gets white hair and all that in the manga, but i haven't read up to that point- i basically saw images of him with white hair and was like 'owo idea ding ding'

this story is completely separate to the manga, and i went with the idea that rin would get white hair when his true demon self awoke

thanks for understanding 

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