Chapter Three: Temptaint

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"Who are you?!" I demand, knees shaking as I position them to stand my ground, unable to understand what I'm looking at. He just leans against the grate surrounding the roof, as though he doesn't care if the fencing collapses from behind him. However, with my words, he stands, and a grin stretches across his pale features. I swear there lie a multichrome array of scales in the hollows of his cheeks.

'You don't know me? Now, that is a shame,' he hums, taking a step towards me. In response, I shift backwards, heart stammering in my chest. Why can't I calm down? I've faced villains who could disintegrate me in one touch. I've been pinned down by a quirk and managed to break out of it. So why? Why can't I force myself to run?! 'I'm sorry for scaring you so. You poor little leaf.' And then he's right beside me, moving so quickly my eyes can't even keep track of him.

His hand lands on my waist, and claw-like nails press into my shirt. It takes all I have to not let out a startled scream. I can't. If anyone else comes up here, who knows what this thing will do to them? 'Now, you've probably figured the obvious. And I commend you for that. You truly are the brightest of your peers,' he purrs, a long, thin tail flicking around behind him. Honestly, I can't really tell just what's grazing my cheek, but horns frame either side of my face, holding me in a threatening prison with his eyes.

"You're a demon," I rasp, voice trembling as much as my twitching muscles. What do I do? Should I use my quirk? Should I try to fight? They wanted us to kill a demon so... Was this the one they meant? My thoughts are abruptly sliced with one of his barks of laughter. A laugh that doesn't meet his gleaming, golden irises and pitch sclera.

'Ding ding, we have a winner. My, you're sharp,' he croons, easing himself away from me. From here, I can easily make out the distinct patterns twisting over his skin, shimmering in the otherwise harmless sunlight. However, the longer I look at them, the less they start to look like scales. They're shifting, flickering like-

Flies. They're flies, clinging to his face like gemstones. 'Hm? You seem very interested in my pretties,' he hums, running a nail alongside his hollowed temple, a shudder jolting through me as one of the insects crawls onto his knuckle. I'm in over my head. I can't fight him, and I don't even know why. He's just... Terrifying. I can't move- I can't even think. All Might, what do I do?! Someone tell me what to do! 'Don't look so scared. They're desperate to meet you, you know.' As he paces around me, his tail swirls past my ankles, the fur brushing against the fabric of my jeans. And I just stand in place, rigid and whimpering. I'm not weak, but if I make a scene, the others will hear. This isn't any place to fight a demon.

"I'm not scared of you," I say, flinching at the buzzing in my ear. "All the flies are because of you, aren't they? That's why there's so many of them."

'You're on quite the ball today, my boy. Well done.' His praise couldn't sound any falser. And that shoots a whole new round of fear through my system. So it's little wonder why I jump with a soft yelp when he wraps his arms around me from behind, setting his chin on my shoulder. Like it was built to hold his head up high. 'So then you'll no doubt be the first to figure out what the students of True Cross are hiding.' I gasp, physically feeling my eyes widen.

What? What does he mean? I haven't even spoken properly to the rest of the students yet. Just Rin, and his brother Yukio. We saw them all at the station, but other than a few hellos, we barely talked. So what makes him think- 'I suppose you're wondering what makes me think you'll ever have any doubts. Well, you're a bright spark, little leaf. You can spot a demon, just by looking.' His grip tightens, his nails drawing blood out of my arms. 'That's a handy skill. You just have to look a little harder.'

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