Today's Task 13: Bakery

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Lily's POV

"There's a bakery in town, we ordered some pastries and they should be ready for pick-up. Do you two mind getting them?" Liam asked Harry and I.

It had been two days since our little gelato incident, and although we tried our best, it was obvious we both still remembered.

"Sure. I don't mind." Harry grinned and turned to me expectantly, eyes scintillating with plead.

"Okay, I'll come with." I groaned, pulling my messenger bag from the table and sliding it across my shoulder.

"Great! Thank you!" Liam smiled.

There was a few things I had been thinking about this whole time. Why can't Harry and I be friends? Our hatred was minimizing fast. Might as well stop it now. Especially since we almost kissed, a friendship is always a good thing.

We silently set off for the actual town. The town that was much farther away from the villa than the lounge was.


"Here ya go. Thank zu for ordaring." The man behind the counter said with his thick accent. He slid the box of freshly-baked pastries to us.

"Can we also get a package of 12 cupcakes?" Harry asked pointing to the boxes of cupcakes behind the counter man.

"Oh sure mister." He grabbed a box.

Harry payed the man and we headed off to the lounge/gelato shop/whatever the place really was. It was a long walk and Harry and I both held large boxes in our arms.

The minutes ticked by as our footsteps dragged on.

Finally, the glass doors came into view. Harry opened the door for me when we arrived.

"So why did you order the 12 cupcakes?" I asked, sliding through the door. The question had been eating me, but I didn't want to ask Harry right when we bought them.

"So I could do this." He opened up the box slowly and chucked a cupcake at me. Its icing hit me right in the face, and the cake part slid off.

It was a shock, yet it sent adrenaline pulsing through me somehow.

"Whoa Styles. Whoa." I grabbed a cupcake and did the same.

Harry smirked and quickly ran to the freezer where we had stored extra gelato from the days before.

He picked up the scooper and flung a scoop of caramel gelato at me.

I snarled at him and did the same with the chocolate we had left. 

 He laughed and tossed another cupcake, angering me even more. I playfully chucked some cupcake icing at him, following that with the cake part leftover.

I could hear Harry laugh and he quickly knocked over a table as if its top could protect him. He huddled behind it.

Squealing, I felt another scoop of gelato hit me in the back of the neck, sending goosebumps throughtout me.

I growled and pushed over a table as a barrier to protect me.

We spent a whole ten minutes tossing cupcakes and very frosty gelato at each other, both partially protected by our forts. But soon enough most of it was either on the floor, on each other, caked onto the tabletops we used, or in our bellies.

We were examining our completely covered in icing and melted gelato bodies, when Harry got a text. He skimmed it quickly, without much thought of it, but then put his phone back in his pocket, staring deep into my eyes.

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