Love? Part 10

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Alec and I are walking back to his car and we see Axel. I continue walking and get in Alec's car. Axel tries to open my door but I lock it. Alec jumps in the car and drives off.

I can see we aren't heading to his house and to the park I used to go to as a kid. We stop in front of the park and get out. I see the old swing set and start walking towards it and Alec sees my plan and follows after me.

I hop on a swing and so does he. We end up having a swing contest to see who can go the highest. I win of course. He gets off and I jump off mid-air then land on my feet.

Alec applauds me then goes to grab something from his car. He comes back with a blanket. He lays it down and we lay on it. We stare up at the stars and I cuddle up to him. He wraps one of his arms around me. I doze off in his arms.

I wake up in Alec's room. I breathe in his smell. I see the bathroom door open slightly and see steam coming out of it. Assuming its Alec I just get up and go make us some food.

We head off to class and Alec still touches me every chance he has. Which might I add again is a lot? We go through the whole day then go back I make dinner for us then we go back to sleep.

That comfortable routine continues for a few weeks till I start feeling really warm. We both think I'm just sick so I stay home while he goes to class. Unluckily for me, that just happens to be the day that Axel is off.

He continuously tries to get in the room. I locked the door when Alec left so he couldn't come in. He finally gives up and I get rest.

When I wake up I see a blurry figure above me and I think it's Alec. My eyes clear and I see Axel over me. I scream and push him off me. "What the hell is wrong with you" I yell.

"Trying to wake you to tell you-you're not sick," he says getting up. "Then why am I so warm," I ask in a 'explain that' tone. "You're in heat," he says.

"What's that," I ask. "When you meet your mate you have to fuck them within the first month or you will go into heat," he says as if it's common knowledge. "Then why is Alec fine," I ask wanting to know more.

"Only submissive Neko's go through heat," he says. "What happens during the heat and how long does it last," I ask.

"Well your sent becomes the most enticing thing to any supernatural and they will all want to fuck you. You will be really horny. How long depends if you wanna have sex or not. As soon as you have sex your heat will disappear. If not it will last for the next month" he informs me.

"I can help you with your heat," he says in a seductive voice. I just scoff at him and say I would rather die. As if I had summoned him with those words Alec walks in. I run down to see him and tell him what Axel told me

Hey, y'all sorry this is short but I will try to update every day now. Let's hope. Hope you enjoyed. Bye
~love kittyagh❤️
Edit: I mixed up Alec and Axel and just noticed
I am making another chapter now.

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