Love? Chapter 3

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The new guy
I got to school and I saw a guy with golden brown hair walking into the school. I kept a bit of a close eye on him as he walked down the hall looking confused.

So being the nice person I am I go up to him and ask "can I help you get some were".

He turns and looks at me scanning me up and down (May I add his eyes are f*cking gorgeous) then says in a voice that seems very familiar. "Yeah cutie where's the office".

I ignore the cutie comment as girls have said it to me so many times (like sooooooooo many to many to count) that it just goes in one ear and out the other.

"Oh yeah it's this way," I say walking in front of him showing him the way to the office.

After a nice walk down the halls I stop in front of the office. "Here!" I say gesturing inside the office. "Thank you....." he says waiting for my name.

"Joseph and you are," I say gesturing toward him. "Hi Joseph I'm Alec," he says smiling just as the principal walks out.

"Oh just the two kids I wanted to see," he says in a cheery voice leading us into his office 'welp I'm f*cked' I say in my head.

We sit in front of his desk in two chairs and he starts speaking. "Mr. Lucan" 'me' "I would like you to show Mr. Jace" 'huh so that's his last name' "around I have even made your schedules identical so you can show him to his classes. Isn't that great!" He says happily.

Alec am I look at each other than say "yeah sure" at the same time. We go off to 1st period and I sit by myself but Alec sits with me so I guess not

———another time skip but this time to lunch———

He and I sit next to each other and he finally says something "so um... what way do you swing" he asks bluntly.

I see it as a normal thing and just tell him the truth cause everyone else knows so I say "I'm gay you?" I ask nonchalantly expecting him to say 'I'm straight so I'm gonna go I don't want you flirting with me' cuz everyone here does.

He actually says "Same I don't know how you could not tell I've been flirting with you this entire time" he says rubbing his arm.

My eyes widen and I look at him in shock. 'Holy f*ck' was all I could think. "I'm sorry!" He quickly says. "No it's ok it's just I've never met another gay guy before," I say.

It was his turn to look at me in shock but the bell rang before he could say anything, the teachers would not let us talk, and I went home right after school so there was no time to continue the conversation

Hope you enjoyed. Bye
~love kittyagh❤️

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