Love? Part 20

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"You would really stoop this low to piss me off?!" I hear the angry voice of Alec yell out from the door way. Quickly turn around from facing Roth and see the man that tried to destroy me with anger flaring in his eyes.

Honestly I didn't feel anything for him any more. That anger he held meant nothing to me. When he started to walk closer I knew more with every step he was not my mate.

I fully turn around to face him and get off the bed. Once he gets close enough that we are face to face I'm now pissed off. "You got with my brother to make me jealous didn't you" Alec said venom lacing his voice. All I did was scoff.

I here Axel whine behind me. Did he think his brother was telling the truth. Now that pissed me off more than I thought was possible. So I snapped.

"What the fuck is wrong with you! Why do you think you can just waltz back into my life after you rejected me and hit me. Oh also lied about being my mate. You knew I didn't know what the mate bond feels like so you made me believe I was yours. You know what it's supposed to feel like and you know you never felt it with me. With Roth and Axel I feel safe and comforted right when I touch them. But with you I had to actually relax for a moment. They make me feel sparkly when we touch. I never felt that with you. You are not my mate so you can't get jealous of me being with my real mates! So go fuck yourself with a fiddle stick!!" I try staying calm through most of it. Although I lost it at the end. I take a deep breath and look Alec in the eyes. "Now leave" I say then turn back to my real mates.

When I turn back I see genuine shook on their faces. I tilt my head to the side in confusion. "What?" I ask confused by the way they were looking at me.

"You actually cussed!" Axel said slightly coming out of his confusion. "With our censoring yourself" Roth said right after Axel.

I think for a sec. sh*t I did! I cover my mouth like I had just now said it 'f*cking idiot' I think to myself before dropping my hands. "I guess I did heh" I say putting my hand to the back of my neck.

"But!" Axel pauses for what I assume is dramatic effect "that was fucking hot! The way you stood up to Alec and got up in his face to protect us" Axel looked like he was about to squee like a fangirl.

"I agree" Roth said with a bright red blush on their pure white face. I giggle a bit at Roth blushing. I hear both Roth and Axel growl. I quickly look up to see what they are growling at and they are staring right at me.

"What?" I question again. Roth shakes their head "nothing you are just really cute" they says turning away to hide their blush.

I plop down on the bed and smile. My two mates at last I'm complete. I take a sigh of relief. I feel my ears and tail pop out but don't bother with them.

I feel a hand start to pet my ears and I start purring. I look up to see Roth petting my ears with a large smile on their face. Then I feel my tail getting pet. Looking down I see Axel petting my tail. I start to feel blush creeping up my face. Too much stimulation.

My face is bright red and I can't hold back any longer. A soft moan escapes my lips and both of the boots stop. I open my eyes to see what's happening. Both of them have dark eyes and shocked looks on their face. Slowly they look at each other and smirk.

"So you know it's been over a month since your last heat right?" Axel says. I think back and remember. "Oh yeah I should have happened almost a week ago. Why didn't it?" I ask him. "Because of the state you were in" Roth answers for him. I start to feel really warm. Did the heat just turn up? "That means now that you are out of that state your body want to resume the cycle" Axel adds in.

I take a moment to think and realize my body is getting really hot. God can some one turn up the ac? Wait... this is how I felt last time I was in heat... sh*t I'm going into heat. Once I realize this I throw myself under the covers.

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