La Diabla - Chapter Fifteen

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"Hey you joke but that shit coulda been real." Oscar laughed, bringing the cigarette up to his lips, taking a sip of his beer after he exhaled the smoke from his lungs.

"I don't see it." Cesar shook his head, "Spooky the chef." He shrugged, "I'm just not buying it."

Their two homies chimed in by laughing and teasing Oscar. But his smile faded when he noticed a car pulling up in front of his house. the windows were completely tinted black and it had no license plate.

Cesar furrowed his eyebrows, patting his brothers arm with the back of his hand, then pointed at the car that was obviously not of their neighborhood, nodding his head and opening his hand as a "what's going on?"

Oscar shrugged his shoulder, and the car door opened, the homies stood, ready to reach for their guns if they had to use them. The first thing he noticed was a black high-heel, the last thing being the pink hair that blew in the wind as she shut the door behind her.

Cesar glanced at him, his jaw dropping. "No fucking way."

She took a couple of steps toward him, the homies standing in her way. She groaned, shaking her head. "Is this shit really necessary?"

Oscar took a sip from his beer, nodding at his homies. "Check her," he mocked her dad, "make sure she ain't trying nothin' stupid."

Sabina glared at him as a homie began patting her down, removing the gun from her waist band and tossed it to the side. "You happy?"

The homie turned around to look at Oscar who nodded, so they let her pass through. He looked up at her from the concrete step he was sitting on, pulling the cigarette from his lips as he raised an eyebrow. "You're alive."

Sabina nodded, "you're not the only one who was surprised." She pulled the stack of bills from her pocket, tossing it in his lap.

He laughed, flicking through the stack. "What the hell is this?"

She shrugged, "money."

"Obviously." He handed it back to her, "I don't want your grimy Diablo money."

"Keep it." She pushed his hand back toward his body, "you Santos need it more than us. Since Lil Ricky left you with nothing more than a Rollerworld map—"

The homies lifted their guns again as Oscar stood, "go, now. I told you you didn't have any business being in Freeridge no more."

Cesar stood, holding his big brother back. "She doesn't mean it Oscar."

Sabina scoffed, mocking him as she side glanced at him with a tilt of her head. "Tell me, little Spooky." Cesar raised his eyebrows, his mouth parting. "What makes you think I don't mean it?"

"Cause you're not like this." He said, "I know you Sabina, we know you. This is all a show to get us to—"

She laughed, cutting him off. "That's the problem with you Santos." She crossed her arms, "you're as strong as your weakest link." She stepped closer to Cesar, her heels making her just a little under his height. "You're soft, esé."

Oscar pushed Cesar out of the way to get to Sabina, but was pulled back by two homies that dragged into the house as he yelled threats and profanities at her.

Cesar watched Oscar being carried and placed into the house until the door was shut, then he turned to Sabina. She nodded softly at him and he returned the nod. "Nice to see you remembered how to use my phone number."

Sabina smiled, "yeah. I figured it out." She chuckled, "I don't want him to worry about me okay? I'm gonna figure my shit out. When it's time, I'll be back." He folded his lips in, looking down at his shoes. "Go check on him please, make sure he's okay."

He nodded again, "Take care of yourself, Sabina."

When he walked inside the house she exhaled out of her mouth, whispering to herself. "You too."

La Diabla | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now