La Diabla - Chapter Three

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Sabina swallowed, but didn't back down. If there was one thing her dad taught her it was to never show your fear, it didn't matter what size the other person was. Male or female, you give the respect you get.

"You look familiar." He looked her up and down, "where have I seen you before?"

She didn't answer, her throat dried up. She knew exactly where he had seen her, when the Santos and Diablos had their first truce. She was Dario's arm candy the entire time.

"Spooky." Mario said, drawing his attention from her to him, he raised his eyebrow, ready for him to speak. "This is Sabina, she's our friend. We really need your help."

"Help?" Oscar chuckled, humming softly after. "Okay." Ruby and Mario glanced at each other with wide eyes when he began to walk away. "Come chop it up inside." He nodded his head, taking slow, careless steps to his front door.

They followed after Oscar, his little brother walking in as well. He sat at the dining table, motioning his hand for them to sit with him. "So given the fact you need my help, I'm guessing it's gang related and them bruises ain't because you fell off your bike?" He nodded to her face, crossing his arms.

She shook her head softly, and Ruby opened his mouth to speak. "I found her in my backyard."

Oscar turned his head to Ruby, his lips pursed as he titled his head to the side. "So, like you find a dog on the street. Your jefa let you keep her?" Mario chuckled, his smile wiping off when Ruby glared at him. Sabina licked her lips, her eyes on her dirty shoes the entire time. He leaned back, letting out a soft sigh. "So what do you need from me?"

Ruby nudged her, and she looked up slowly, tears on her eyelashes. When she didn't say anything Ruby spoke for her, "protection."

Oscar kissed his teeth, pulling his head back with his eyebrows furrowed. "Protection?"

"Protection." Ruby confirmed, "she needs to be protected. You're the only one who can help us." He then looked up at Cesar with pleading eyes. "Please, guys."

"Do I even want to know what you need protection from?" Ruby and Mario glanced at each other nervously, that caused an intrigued smirk to form on Oscar's lips. "I do, actually. So tell me or I don't help you."


Oscar shook his head, shushing him with a motion of his hand. "I want her to tell me."

So Sabina spoke, looking down at her bruised fingers. "I was–"

"Look at me when you speaking to me." He said, she looked up, swallowing the lump in her throat. She stood, Oscar's eyes followed her when she unzipped her jacket, letting it slide down her arms. His lips parted when she lifted her shirt, showing him the tattoo on her rib cage. She glanced at his 'Santos' one as he observed hers.

"Get this bitch the fuck up out my house." He stood, pulling the gun from his waist band, "or she dies."

Cesar uncrossed his arms, dropping them to his side. "Oscar, hear her out." He held his forearm so he wouldn't do anything stupid, "just listen to what she has to say."

Oscar rolled his eyes, popping his lips. His little brother always wanted to do the right thing, he would never hear the end of it if he didn't listen. "Okay." He put the gun away, sighing. "I'm listening." He pulled the chair out, sitting.

"I got DP'd." She said.

He nodded, "okay."

"By Dario."

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow, "you're Dario's girl, huh?"

"I was." She nodded softly, "past tense."

He hummed, sucking his bottom lip and he looked her up and down. "Let's get you cleaned up then. Cesar show her to the bathroom."

"Wait really?" Ruby piped.

Oscar looked up at him with a small nod, "yup."

Cesar smiled, helping Sabina up from the chair carefully. "Come on, follow me."

"Thank you, Spooky." Ruby gleamed.

He nodded as a 'you're welcome', with a small pout of his lips.

"We should get going." Mario tapped Ruby's elbow, "mom'll be worried."

Ruby nodded, "okay." He turned to Oscar as they walked around the table. "I'll come check on her tomorrow." Before he exited the door he stuck his head back in, "oh! And I think her ribs are broken so you might have to take her to see a doctor, and her fingers are—"

"Ruby!" He scurried out of the door, running after his impatient older brother.

Oscar sat still for a second, before scooting his chair out and standing up. He laughed to himself, walking toward the bathroom where Cesar was helping her clean up.

"Look, I'm going to pull your shirt up, but I'm gonna have my eyes closed so you're gonna have to help me out a bit."

Oscar leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed, watching with an amused smile.

"I can't put my arms up like that, I—"

"I know it hurts, but you have to try."

"Let me help you." Oscar stepped in, nodding Cesar out. "I got it from here mano."

Cesar hesitated leaving the leader of Los Santos with the former Diablo gang member, but nonetheless he nodded softly, walking out.

"Who did this to you?" Oscar pulled her shirt up, maneuvering the fabric around for a second before letting it go.

"Dario's homies."

He picked up the scissors he used for his beard, cutting into the shirt. She didn't mind, it was white and covered in blood anyway. "Damn." He mumbled, "did they...?"

She nodded, swallowing her tears. "How else do you get a female DP'd?"

He sighed, observing the gash under her tattoo. "I think I'm gonna have to take you the hospital."

"No, no." She shook her head, "I can't go there."

"Why?" He raised his eyebrow, questioning her.

"I'm not–" She stammered, "I'm not a US citizen."

He pursed his lips, lifting her from the ground and sitting her by the sink. "Okay." He threw the fabric that was once her tank top onto the floor near the trash bin, leaning over to inspect the gash. He tried not to look at her tattoo and she did the same. Los Diablos went against everything Los Santos stood for.

Los Santos were there to protect, serve and help people. Los Diablos believed in punishment, taking matters into their own hands and going after sinners their selves. They were called the sacrificing gang, rumors went around that they made sacrifices to el the devil, ridding the world of sinners for him.

"I know somebody." Oscar stood straight, pulling out his phone. He began to type, then his phone vibrated in his hand. "She'll be here in ten. But let me look at you just to make sure..." He now inspected her hands and she flinched, causing him to look up at her face with a worried expression. Her eyes were welding up with tears. "Your pinkie is broken." He grabbed the other hand, "middle, ring and pinkie." He mumbled to himself before standing straight. "Párate."

Sabina jumped down, he helped her by catching her before her feet hit the floor. Then he set her down, inspecting her torso. "I'm sure you got a few broken ribs." He touched her skin and she seethed, stepping back. He shook his head softly. "Nah. Let me see." He grabbed her by her waist, pulling her back toward him, "they cut you huh?"

"They tried to take my placa."

He hummed, nodding. "What about–" His eyes flicked down but he began to shake his head, deciding against asking his question. "Never mind I'll just let my homegirl check the rest." She nodded and he opened the bathroom door. "Just wait here."

La Diabla | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now