Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Walking back into the office, Gemma asks "What was that all about?" I shake my head. "Chris." I say simply. "Are you serious? What did he want?" she asked. "Spilling some bull shit that he's sorry and shouldn't have left me and wanted to see if we could work things out. Called me a biker whore because I moved on with Happy." I tell her. "I bet that went over well." she says smirking. "Happy told him I wasn't a whore and I was gonna be his wife." I tell her. "That's great baby." she tells me. "It really is." I tell her smiling.

That evening, after work, Happy and I are in the clubhouse. I am sitting at the bar with Lyla and Happy is over at the pool table with Opie. "How are things going in Lowman land?" she asks and I start laughing. "Really good. Met his mom." I tell her. "That's great." she tells me. "Yeah. She's amazing. Told me there wasn't anything wrong with me and that she had faith I would be a mom someday." I tell her. I look over at Happy and he winks at me and I can't help but smile. "Guess what happened today." I say and she looks at me. "Chris showed up. Wanted to get back together." I tell her. "How'd you handle that?" she asks. "I told him it wasn't happening that I was with Happy." I tell her. "I can only imagine his face." she says. "That didn't get much of a reaction just asked if I would rather be a biker whore. Happy shut that down real fast telling him I was going to be his wife, not a whore." Lyla smiles wide. "He even brought up me not being able to have kids and Happy just told him that he knew and I'm still perfect." I say and Lyla smiles bigger. "That man loves you. We all see it." she says. "I know. I love him too. He's been so good to me." I tell her. "We can tell. Everyone saw how sad you were even when you were with Chris. That sadness is gone. You are fucking glowing." she tells me and I can't help the smile that crosses my face.

We walk over to our guys and as soon as I walk up to Happy, he pulls me close and kisses me softly. "Love you Princess." he says. "Love you more." I say. "I've noticed, you always call her Princess." Lyla says. "That's how she should be treated." he tells her simply and she just smiles at me again and I just shake my head. "So does that make you her Prince?" Opie asks smirking. "Nope. Makes him my Killa." I tell him as Happy pulls me closer again.

Getting home that night, I head into the kitchen to cook but he stops me. Pulling out his phone he orders dinner and says "We need a shower, Princess." I smirk and follow him to the bathroom where we shower together. Getting out, we get dressed and head to the living room about the time dinner arrives. Sitting down to eat, we're watching some car show on television and I'm just sitting there, staring. "What's on your mind Princess?" he asks, pulling me closer. "Just thinking about things. Something Lyla said." I tell him and he looks at me waiting on me to continue. "She said that even when I was with Chris, I just seemed sad." I say. "We all worried about you. We knew you weren't happy. Why'd you stay?" he asks. "I didn't want to be alone." I tell him. "What about now?" he asks. I look at him and say "I'm with you because I love you. I loved you when I was with Chris but didn't think you even knew I existed." I tell him. "I knew you existed. Just didn't think I was good enough. You deserved better. Hell you still do." he tells me. "No one is better for me than you are Happy. You love me and you accept me the way I am. I honestly never thought you would even give me the time of day." I tell him. "Baby, you have all my time." he says before kissing me softly. I snuggle into his side knowing no one will ever love me like he does.

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