Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

We wake up the next morning and make sure that we have everything packed back up and ready to go. Sitting in the dining area of the hotel, everyone's eating and I'm just drinking coffee. Happy looks at me and I say "I already ate. Ate while you were with the guys." He looks at me for a minute and Gemma chimed in. "She did eat. I saw her." she tells him. I look at Happy and say "I'm not skipping meals, Happy. I'm good baby. I promise." I tell him smiling. He kisses me and says "Good because you're fucking perfect." I smile and kiss him one more time before telling him "Now, your turn to eat." He goes back to his food and I sit and talk to the girls.

After everyone's done eating, we head out to the bikes. Getting on behind Happy, I wrap my arms around his waist and he puts his hand on my thigh. "Ready to head home Princess?" he asks. "As long as you're going home with me, yeah." I say. He kisses me softly before hearing Clay yell "Fall out." We ride back to Charming with only one stop along the way. Walking into the store to the bathrooms, I see a display of zippos and one has a smiley face on it. Tara sees it and says "You should get it." I look at her and smile. Buying the lighter, we take our bathroom break and head back out to the bike. I get back on behind Happy and say "Let's go home Killa." He smirks at me before patting my thigh and falling in behind the rest of the guys.

Once we make it back to Charming, we all head to the clubhouse to get our bags and cars and head home. I walk to my car with Happy carrying both bags. He puts them in the back seat and kisses me softly. "I'm right behind you." he tells me. "I got something for you when we get home." I tell him. He smirks and looks down the front of my shirt and I say, "Well, that too." and start laughing. He laughs with me and kisses me one more time before I get into the car and pull out of the lot with him behind me.

Pulling into my driveway, he gets off his bike as I am getting out of my car. He grabs the two bags and we head inside. He carries the two bags to my room as I head to the kitchen to get us both beers. Sitting down on the couch together, I get the brown bag out that has his gift in it. "What's this?" he asks, taking the bag from me. "Picked it up when we stopped for gas. Couldn't resist." I tell him. He opens the bag and pulls out the zippo and I see him smile wide. I've never seen him smile like this. "I love it Princess. Thank you." he says and pulls me to him and kisses me softly. I deepen the kiss before standing up and taking his hand. "We need a shower, Killa." He smirks as he follows me.

Getting undressed, we step into the shower and as soon as he closes the curtain, he pins me to the wall and crashes his lips with mine. Picking me up, I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as he enters me slowly. Thrusting in and out slowly, he rasps "I fucking love you Princess." He crashes his lips with mine as he picks up the pace and causing me to find my release with him finding his right behind me. We finish cleaning off and get out. Climbing into bed, both of us still naked, I lay my head on his chest and say "Can I ask you something?" I look up at him and he nods as he looks at me. "Why do you call me Princess? You're the only one that calls me that." I tell him. "Because that's how you should be treated. You're my Princess." he says. I smile as I kiss him softly and say "I don't know what I did to deserve you Hap." He smirks and says "I ask myself the same thing." I lay my head back on his chest and we both drift off to sleep.

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