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She and Draco sat in her room, a loop hole since dinner hadn't ended, as she tried to concentrate. She had been making sure her dad was safe when she found Potter's thoughts still on the third floor. "Potter didn't leave." She told Draco as she easily pushed through his thoughts without his notice.

"What the bloody hell is he up to?!" Draco wondered out loud. "Seems they ran the frizzy haired muggle-born into the lavatory crying. So much for good kids, eh? Just like his dad." Draco stayed quiet at the spiteful malice he heard in her voice. His dad had told him enough to know she hated Potter for entirely different reasons, but a common enemy he was.

She quickly found her dad not far from the troublesome trio with some sort of animal based on the thought pattern. The only way she knew it was him was the thoughts of the beast and complete absence of thought from he himself. She mentally banged on his barriers, she realized too late that would distract him from the beast in front of him.

Draco quickly grabbed her when she jerked forward like she was trying to stop something. He saw tears rubbing down her face and wondered where her mind was. Her dad dropped his barrier long enough for her to see a Cerberus, a three headed dog know as the Hounds of Hades, standing on a trap door. That must be where the hidden item was.

She sighed in relief when she saw her dad safely make it out of the room and slam the door on the creature. "I'm fine, Angel. It's just a scratch." She wasn't so sure since he made a point of not letting her see it, but he had never lied. "What was so important?" He asked nervously. She had never tried to barge into his mind like this so it must be dire. She remembered why she had tried to start with and hurriedly told him what she found in the girl lavatory.

He immediately sent a patronus to the other teachers and ran for where she had sensed the troll. Angel knew he would do what he could and left before she was completely drained. She came back to herself to see a very scared Draco. "What the hell is going on, Angel?" He asked almost panicked. "I'm sorry, Dragon, I didn't mean to scare you. The troll found Potter and his friends. I had to let my dad know but I distracted him at a terrible time and I caused him to get hurt." She said tearfully.

Draco wrapped her in a hug, he knew no one but his uncle could calm her from this, not even him. He saw how tired and pale she looked and walked to the wall of potions that were kept for her. Finding a pepper-up potion he handed it to her, getting a smile in return. "Could you stay with me until dad gets here?" She asked quietly while sipping the potion. The energy it took seeming tough.

"As if I'd be anywhere else." He said before getting the chest board and sitting it between them. It was one and half games before her dad made it to her room. "Daddy!!" She cried, barely remembering to keep her voice within the room. Her chair was lightning quick as she held her hand up for her father, something she hadn't done in quite some time.

"I'll leave you two to it then." Draco said before quietly slipping out the door. "Thank you for pointing out the flaw in the spell, Draco. I'll be sure to fix it." His uncle teased as he left. He grabbed his daughter and gently and picked her up. He sat in one of the chairs near her fireplace, always keeping her feet safe. She hadn't let go of his neck, reminding him of when he tried to leave for Hogwarts when she was 6 years old.

"It's alright, Angel. I'm fine, I promise." Though it was honestly his own fault for going in the room he knew his daughter never handled injures to himself well. When she had broken her foot without them knowing until the bruise showed, well that wasn't a big deal to her. But if he got cut on a vial, or scratched by a three headed dog then her world crashed down.

He knew he would have to help her overcome this fear one day. But that day wasn't this day and he relished in the love of his daughter. True single person in the world that truly cared what happened to him. She finally seemed to calm down after a few minutes. He pushed her hair back, her tears having stuck her hair to her face. "I'm so sorry I got you hurt." He heard his Angels voice.

"Angelica Snape, you did no such thing. That was completely my fault and I shouldn't have been in there. Do you understand me?" He asked wiping the last of her tears. She nodded, "Yes, Sir." She said quietly. She laid back against his shoulder, enjoying the time with him. "So how much trouble is Potter in?" She asked in a tone he recognized usually coming from himself.

"None, unfortunately. Granger took the blame." Their thoughts on Gryffindors going unsaid. "Let me bandage the cuts for you?" She asked him.  He sighed and nodded. "I a few minutes." He said kissing her head. He didn't know how many more minutes he was going to get with his daughter like this. The Dark Lord was returning, there were more signs of it every day.

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