It's Here?!

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"Great Uncle Nick's Stone is here?!" Was Angel's hello as she barged into her dad office one evening. He sighed in resignation and shut the door with a flick of his wand. "Not that I doubted you would, but how did you find out?" He asked after casting Silencio. "Potter's mind is like Swiss cheese and Weasley's is worse." She admitted.

He waved her to the table he had set up tea at near his fireplace. It was nearing the end of break and the two of them had been enjoying the quality time together. Leave it to Potter to stick his nose where is doesn't belong and ruin even these few quiet moments he had left. She wanted to argue, but the look on her father's face told her she would need the soothing drink.

He sighed and ran a hand over his face before continuing. "First of all, let me make it very clear that what I say doesn't leave here even for Draco." Getting her nod he continued once more. "It's true that the Philosopher's Stone is inside Hogwarts." Angel took a few deep breath, not sure if she wanted to cry, yell, or laugh at this news.

"So, the one magical item that could bring the Dark Lord back is within these walls?!" Her voice full of fear and upset. "Why would Uncle Albus do this? Don't we have enough trouble with Potter here?!" Snape would have smirked had the discussion not been so serious. "Think about it, Angelica. Not with your emotions, but with your intelligence. Gringott's was broken into for the first time in it's history. What is the only other place something this important could be safe?"

Angel closed her eyes knowing his words were true. Uncle Albus was the greatest wizard of the age, if not history, he might be the only one able to keep it safe. "I just have the most terrible feeling about this. Something will go wrong, and I'm sure Potter will be right in the middle of it." She looked into the fire for a moment before turning back to her father.

"Do you think he'll come?" She asked looking her father straight in the eyes. His eyes unfortunately told her all she needed to know. "The mark hasn't changed, for now everything is as it has been. I would let you know if that had changed." She reluctantly nodded. She did know her dad would never put her in danger. Just the idea of that cursed stone in the same place as her was terrifying however.

She knew her uncles had pure intentions when they made the stone that would cause immortality. However, for the best wizard and alchemist the world had ever seen, it had been very short sighted. "Why don't we have a round of chess and I'll ask the elves to bring our dinner here tonight. Neither of us is up to the great hall this evening." She nodded grateful for the quiet and time to think.

She needed a plan, she had to try to keep Potter away from that stone. He had no idea what he was getting himself into. Chosen one or not, boy-who-lived or not, he was an 11-year old muggle raised boy and he would only put them in danger.

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