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Angel couldn't contain the grin that came across her face. She was with her dad and Draco. No towers to climb or barrels to crawl into. When the hat was taken off She immediately turned to her dad. It was the first time she had seen him truly clap during the ceremony.

She could here Slytherin cheering, glad to have another legacy joining their ranks. She went by the high table on her way to the Slytherin table, her dad caught her eye and gave her a wink. It was the perfect moment for Angel.

As she got to the spot next to Draco the chair vanished. She didn't know if that was her dad or her uncle but it was smooth. It let her take her place without causing a fuss. Rolling in and making sure the magic lock brakes were set she excitedly turned to Draco.

"We did it, Dragon!" Draco adopted a faux disgusted look, "Like there was any doubt. We are perfect Slytherins." They both have a sly smile when he was done. Getting in to Slytherin was only half the battle.

They had worked out a plan to be ruling the house by 4th year. They were already the top of the 1st years. Uncle Lucius had given them vital information on not only surviving the cut throat Slytherin house, but ruling over it.

The sorting finally came to an end. After a few strange words from Uncle, with a wave of his hands the feast began. It looked like a meal from a picture she had once seen in a muggle book store they visited. Angel wondered how the house elves knew where she was sitting, but there in front of her arrived a cut glass bottle with the label Roast Beef.

She noticed her shake matched the main meat of the feast and appreciated the gesture. As the feast was drawing to a close he heard her dad's voice. "Wait for me in the common room, Angel. It's time for the surprise I mentioned." In all the excitement Angel had forgot her dad had promised her a surprise.

Her dad gave the best presents, she couldn't wait to see what he had planned. With a clap Dumbledore called a close to the feast. The tables clearing, the prefects stood and called for the first years to gather around them. Once the older years had cleared they began their journey to their new home for 7 years.

The deeper into the castle they went the colder it got, thank goodness Angel loved the cold. They came to a brick wall that seemed normal enough. With a password a tunnel appeared for them to enter through.

The common room was a dungeon-like room with greenish lamps and chairs. The dungeon extended  partway under the lake, giving the light in the room a green tinge. There were lots of low backed black and dark green button-tufted, leather sofas; skulls; and dark wood cupboards. It was decorated with tapestries featuring the adventures of famous Medieval Slytherins.

The prefects told them which ways their rooms were, but Angel did as her father asked and stayed put. Draco decided to stay with her, if one of the others took the bed he wanted he would just make them move. A few moments laters her father strode in robes billowing behind him as always.

"Angel I have a surprise that Dumbledore and I have worked out for you. Draco you will probably need to know this as well." He said with mock annoyance. He led them to the the far wall where the fireplace was located. There on the wall was an iron serpent. When they got close the serpent became animated and asked for a password. "Polyjuice" Said her father.

The snake slid down the wall leaving a doorway in its wake. Angel couldn't believe her eyes. It was her bedroom, well obviously not hers, but it was exactly the same from paint to bed. "We figures the easiest way would be to let you have your own room."

He walked further into the room and they followed. Angel felt like she had died and gone to heaven when she saw the private bath that was fully equipped for her needs. Her dad had even come and already stocked the room with her meals and potions which lined a wall in near rows.

"Dad, you've completely out done yourself." She said. She looked at him confused, "but how  were you so sure I would be in Slytherin?" He chuckled, "Well, I had no doubts. But I'm the event that you were placed otherwise we waited until your sorting to place the room."

Angel couldn't believe how her dad had thought of everything. "Now, you will follow the same rules as the other students. Draco nor any boy will be able to pass the doorway past dinner with this one exception. Also, the rope you'll see next to your bed is for emergencies. It will notify me and Madam Pomfrey to come immediately."

He looked around trying to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything. "Breakfast is at 7am just as it is at home. I'll be handing out your timetables so don't be late. The elves have unpacked for you, so ready for bed." With that he left and took Draco with him.

This was going to be the best year.

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