Hogwarts Express

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Angel was so nervous today, she couldn't imagine how the kids leaving their parents were feeling. She felt amazing that morning when she was able to use her wand to change her clothes. Her dad's had worked since it felt the familiar bond, but nothing like the quick answer of her beautiful creation.

Putting on one of her new sets of robes Aunt Cissy had gotten her from her last trip to wizarding Paris.

Angel felt ready to face to day

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Angel felt ready to face to day. It wasn't the classes or any such that worried her, but the sorting. She did t want to be alone, and she knew Draco would be a Slytherin with her dad. 

Her dad had assured her he was moments away no matter what, and that he didn't care where she was sorted. But it mattered to her, she wanted to make her dad proud and be a legacy. With her trunk floating behind her and her bag that her aunt had charmed to be bottomless she was ready.

Her dad was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. "Now I don't want you worrying. Today is a special day no matter the end. So, I want you to do your best not to worry. Taking a deep breath Angel nodded. He smiled glad his daughter seemed to finally hear him. "Let's get you some breakfast before we have to leave. The Malfoy's will be taking you since I have to be there early for the staff meeting." Angel just nodded remember his saying this a few days before.

Splitting the paper as always they looked for inconsistencies and errors in the rag that was the Daily Prophet. After finishing her Oatmeal with berries shake, it was her dad's turn to fret. "You've got everything? Your uniform is in your bag not your trunk? Pain potions? A meal shake? It's a long ride." As he named off the items she held them up.

"Alright, after I drop you at the Malfoy's I'll be taking Salazar to my quarters where he will be safe. I've already ordered an extra shipment of mice with the potions order." He was rambling at this point. "Dad, I really will be ok. And I'll see you in just a few hours." She smiled. He took a deep breath, "Of course, no need to worry. Just my daughter going alone for the first time. Let's go before I change my mind."

With a smile Angel hurriedly made her way into the fireplace. In a blaze of green flames she had arrived at Malfoy Manor, her second home. They seemed to be a bit behind as they were finishing breakfast. Quickly making way for her dad Angel made her way towards the table she had spent countless meals at. As she had hoped Aunt Cissy looked ecstatic she had worn her new on fashion robes.

"Oh Angel, you look as pretty as a doll." She said. Draco blushed when he looked at her making her wonder what he was thinking. With another flash of green her dad had made it as well. He took her trunk from his pocket and enlarged it back to normal. "Good morning Cissa, Lucius." After receiving a reply in kind his attention turned to the youngest Malfoy.

"Draco, as you know one of the only reasons I'm allowing Angel to take the train to the school is that you will be there to watch out for her." Drac nodded seriously, he took Angels safety serious. "Good, now as you know Angel can do most things by herself. Anything she can't I expect you to aid her, am I clear?" Draco looked his godfather in the eye. "Yes,sir." Snape nodded, "I know you will. It's just the father in me that had to check. You know where her shake and pain potions are?"

"Top shelf of her bag." He answered confidently. Even his parents had gone over this with him. Checking his pocket watch Snape knew he had to leave to make it to the meeting. Going to his daughter he kissed her head, "Be good, and I'll see you at the feast. I've also worked out a surprise for you that you'll have to wait to see."

With a snap he was gone, leaving her wondering what surprise he could possibly have. Having now noticed the time as well Lucius stood, "I do believe its time to get to the platform children." Now most families, ever pure bloods, had to take the main entrance to Kings Cross to get to the platform. However, with her circumstances and her uncles position of school governor they had permission to use sidelong apparition directly to the platform.

Both kids felt nauseous after their first trip with apparition, even if it was sidelong the easier of the two. While they were recovering Lucius handed their trunks and Draco's owl over to the trains luggage staff. After many hugs from her aunt they finally broke free and made their way to the train.

Her charmed chair shrinking in to the proper width to easily navigate the train. They were a bit early so they had their pick of cabins. Deciding on one in the last car they made their way into the plush interior. "Draco?" She asked making the boy turn from the window. "Yes, Ange?" She blushed, she has been nervous to ask and the nickname had given her butterflies. "Could you, I mean I was hoping...could you help me get on the bench." She finally got out.

He blushed slightly as well, "Ya, ya, yes! I could do that." With great care he wrapped his arms around her waist and helped her switch to the plush bench. After making sure her legs were sitting properly as his mom had shown him he out her magically feather light chair in the overhead. Both still slightly blushing they sat together on the bench. "Thank you, Dragon" she whispered into his mind. He just gave her a smile and shake of his head, he would do anything for his Angel.

With less than 10 minutes left, it seemed their quiet car had been found. The noises of children could be heard outside of their cabin. After a quick knock the door opened, a beautiful boy with bronze skin stood at the doorway. Draco rose knowing this boy from his parents Christmas balls. "Zabini, it's good to see you." He said with a handshake. "Likewise, Malfoy.  But who is your lovely friend here?"

Angel thought it amazing that an 11 year old was flirting, and with her no less. Draco however put a stop to this quickly. "Blaise Zabini, I'd like to introduce my Ange, Angelica Snape." Immediately getting the hint, something Draco liked about this kid, he went from flirtatious to respectful. "Miss Snape, it's a pleasure to meet you." He said with a small bow.

When he didn't receive a reply he looked to Draco. "Oh! Sorry. Angel isn't able to speak in the normal sense. She's waiting for permission to speak into your mind." Blaise looked amazed. He had never heard of anyone their age able to do that, much less one with such good manners. "Permission granted, Miss Snape."

She smiled, "The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Zabini. I hope you will join us on this journey as I can tell we shall be great friends." Blaise smiled happily, never had he so politely been put in his place and yet felt honored.

This girl would one day be a very powerful woman.

Tales of Two Prince'sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن