First Class

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Angel was so excited for her first day. She was up showered and dressed by 6:30am. She decided to brush up on the first chapters of her books. When there was a knock on her door at 6:50 she knew it was Draco ready to go to breakfast.

 When there was a knock on her door at 6:50 she knew it was Draco ready to go to breakfast

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The first thing Draco noticed was her uniform was anything but standard. "Wow, you look incredible. Is that allowed?" Angel giggles, "Well it seems your mom got ahold of my uniforms. Seeing as she is a former student and a school governors wife I imagine she knows what she's doing."

"Thank goodness I don't have to walk in these shoes." She joked looking at the beautiful heels Aunt Cissy had given her. Draco and Angel made their way to the dining hall, making small talk about what they expected on their first day.

Taking a seat, thank you magic, she was comparing notes with Draco on Transfiguration when she heard a shrill screech. "You're not allowed to wear that!" The nasal voice of Pansy Parkinson declares behind her.

Angel took a faux shocked look, "I'm not?!? Because it looks like I am." Taking a more serious expression she her voice sounded more stern, "Sit down, Parkinson, before you embarrass yourself and get on my bad side." Draco couldn't help but snicker at how well his angel had but this girl in her place.

"We'll just see about that!" She fumes and stomped off. Angel sighed and shook her head, poor girl didn't know who she was. Messing with. She was Severus Snape's daughter, and a headstrong McKinnon though that wasn't known, she wasn't a foe to be taken on.

She went back to drinking her breakfast and discussing lessons with Draco when she heard the voice again. "There She is, Professor! She's out of uniform and breaking rules." Angel turned, oh this girl was even more dumb than she thought. She had gotten their head of house, her dad.

"Miss Snape," at that Pansy's mouth dropped open and she turned white. She obviously hadn't been listening when they called her name last night. "It seems Miss Parkinson believes you to be out of uniform. What do you have to say for yourself?" She wondered if the drool tone of her dad's voice was evident to everyone or just her.

Based on Draco's silent laughter he heard it too. "Well sir, it seems that my godmother decided that the standard uniforms were not up to par and exchanged them for these." Pansy just couldn't stay quiet, "Oh, and your godmother knows fashion?" She smart mouthed.

Ooh honey, you just made a big mistake. Draco was in this now, and the laughing had stopped. "Well, my godmother is Narcissa Malfoy...Draco's Mom. And yes, I do believe she is a figurehead in fashion knowledge and school rules." Pansy got more white and wide eyed with each word. "Do you have a problem with my mother, Parkinson?" Draco demanded.

Pansy gasped for words, this had completely backfired and she didn't know how to spin it. "Well, in lite of this information, and the knowing Madam Malfoy has the upmost knowledge of Hogwarts dress code, it seems these charges are unfounded. Return to your seat, Miss Parkinson."

Yes, he gave the girl a way out. He almost felt bad for the girl that attempted to take on his daughter. Add in Narcissa and they we're unstoppable. When Parkinson has returned to her seat solemn and shut down he spoke again. "You handled that with true grace and Slytherin spirit, Angel." He said with a smirk.

She gave back one herself, "I was taught by the best." She answered. "Yes, that you were. Well, here are your timetables. Please note that tardiness will not be accepted by either of you." With that he swept on to the next group his robes billowing.

" With that he swept on to the next group his robes billowing

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Looked like they had Aunt Minnie first. Now knowing what classes they had they needed to go back to their rooms and grab their text.

Grabbing her Transfiguration and Herbology text she put them in the magically extended school bag her dad had made her. It clipped to the back of her chair and didn't add weight to the chair. Draco stood in her doorway his books in his hands.

It was 8:3o am now and she knew her aunt did not tolerate tardiness. "Let's go. Transfiguration is on the opposite side of the school second floor." They began walking, or rolling in Angels case. "It's good you know where everything is, saves us a lot of time searching."

Making their was to the Grand Staircase they made their way to the second floor. Draco almost forgot her warning about the false step and fell through. Though in true Malfoy fashion he laughed when moments later a Gryffindor fell through it. Angel just smiled and shook her head.

After many twist and turns they made it to the Transfiguration classroom.

It was 8:45 am and it seemed only a few had been smart enough to get an early start to their class

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It was 8:45 am and it seemed only a few had been smart enough to get an early start to their class. She was looking forward to her first official lesson with Aunt Minnie, downside was it seems they were paired with the Gryffindors for this class.

"Hello Aunt Minnie, I mean Professor! Sorry I'll get used to that." Her aunt smiled looking up from writing. "Angelica, you look lovely, dear. I'm glad to see you starting right and on time. Now take a seat and we'll get started soon." With a swish of her wand one of the tables benches turns into a chair. "Thank you Professor." She said with a smile.

Draco took the seat next to her. Crabbe and Goyle had finally finished eating and took the table behind them. At precisely 9 am sharp, Aunt Minnie stood and waved towards the board. In writing Angel knew to be her aunt the word Transfiguration wrote itself on the blackboard. "Welcome class to your first Transfiguration lesson. The first thing I'd like you to do is take out your textbooks and copy the key words from chapter one. We will then review and have a practical lesson next class."

With that she transformed herself into her animagus. Angel always loved when she did that, one of the few registered animal changers her aunt cut a stunning figure as a cat. Her glasses even showed as markings on her cute car face.

She wasn't shocked when the mini James Potter came running into class 15 minutes late. "He's just like his father." She said angrily to Draco. He nodded his head, he disliked this Potter as well. His father had told him some about that family. They did enjoy the dressing down he received from auntie.

She couldn't wait to see what her dad had ready.

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