Chapter 6

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"Bless you" I smiled when Finnick sneezed.

Sneezing was always so funny to me, I have no idea way it makes people so cute sometimes.

I heard another sneeze come from Mace, as soon as I finished blessing him Finnick sneezed once again.

I laughed bending down to the boys.

"We've got a symphony." I smiled widely wiping some caramel off of Mace's cheek from his caramel apple.

They both looked confused Finnick spoke up "What's a symph- sympnannaae?"

I laughed the fall air making it sound louder than I actually was, "A symphony is a song played by musicians in a big group." I explained.

"Oh ok." He replied, simply rubbing his now strawberry red nose. I looked over at Mace his soft blue eyes danced across the playground covered in orange leaves. He looked like he was pondering something pretty hard.

He always was intellectual, he loved learning he was an excellent student. I suppose he got that from his mother she was always like that, but one things for certain they got their looks from their father, their ocean blue eyes and sandy hair. But they had their mother's nose which I was always jealous of.

I pated Mace's leg bringing him to look at me "I think we should probably go, I think it's getting to cold for you both now." I decided.

To my surprise they agreed by standing up off the bench and holding my hands.They must be extremely tired. I smiled at the a man and a dark headed woman as they passed.

"Your children are so cute." She cooed with a warm smile. I blushed from a slight ping of embarrassment.

"Thank you but they're my nephews." I corrected smiling back, she blushed.

"Oh well you're great with them, you'll be a great mother." She said leaning into her husband I suppose for warmth.

"Thank you ma'am." I continued my smile while picking up Finnick. He was beginning to fall asleep already, his head sunk to my shoulder as I wished the woman a good day.

I walked down the cement path, the sun cut through the almost leave less trees bathing us in a bright orange. We continued walking until the sun cut to my eyes temporarily blinding me for a split second.

I closed my eyes in a small attempt to block it out, before I knew It I was falling backwards with Finnick in hand. I braced for the fall trying to protect him.

Before I could hit the ground a pair of arms wrapped around me pulling me tightly towards their chest. I opened my eyes to see nothing but black.

"Did I die?" I ask excepting no one to answer because I'm dead.

I felt a deep chuckle run through the person's chest and slip out above me.

"No, no you didn't." a deep, masculine voice ended my fear. I looked up to see a pair of hazel eyes matching mine.

"Oh." I mumbled, Finnick still asleep.

"I'm sorry I was smoking a cigarette not looking up I didn't mean to bump into you, love." He said with a slight rasp from the cigarette I figured.

He gave me a small smile that sent chills down my spine, the way his tongue was slightly showing between his teeth. I sat there starring at his face until I remembered that I hadn't said anything.

"Um no it was my fault im sure." I spoke softly, he shook his head.

"No most definitely mine, my lady." He started "I could have caused you and your children some serious harm." He almost frowned his eyebrows knitting together I almost melt at the child like face he's wearing.

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