Chapter 35

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I pulled up a chair in front of Harry and caressed Rachael while she still laid in his arms. More tears of sprang from my eyes and I said, "I'm so glad she's okay. I couldn't handle it if something happened to her." Then I put my head down on Harry's arms and sobbed with relief.

He began stroking my hair, and then he gently slid his hand under my chin, lifting my face up to meet his gaze. "That's how I feel about you. About all of you," he said, gesturing to Rachael.

"I know, Harry. I was so stupid. So stupid," I said, leaning up to kiss him, with tears streaming down my face. "I love you, and I know you love me and clearly, you love my girls," I said, stroking Rachael's face. "I'm sorry for not trusting you, not believing you. Please forgive me."

"Of course, I do. You're the love of my life, Lise. I would do anything to keep you." He leaned in to kiss me one more time and then he said, "Now stop crying. You're making my face all wet."

We both laughed a little, and then Harry gently handed Rachael over to me so he could make some phone calls.

"Whom should I call first?"

"Call Charlie so he can tell the girls that Rachael is going to be okay. I'm sure they're worried sick. And ask how long they can stay with the girls. I have to make some arrangements because my parents are out of town."

I snuggled Rachael while listening to Harry quietly conversing with his brother. I put my face up close to hers and just smelled her baby scent. She was two and a half, but she was still my baby. I whispered, "I'm so glad you're okay. Mommy was so scared."

She started to stir again and then opened her eyes.

"Hi, lovey. Mommy's so glad you're going to be all right. Does your head hurt?"

She nodded.

"We'll ask the doctors to give you some medicine. But Mommy and Ha..Daddy are here, okay?"

She looked at me and said, "Daddy?"

"Harry's going to be your Daddy. Is that okay with you? So you can call him Daddy, all right?"

"Yes," she said weakly, but nodding emphatically.

Harry was watching the whole exchange while talking to Charlie, and he almost burst out laughing when he saw Rachael's excited face.

"Can I talk to the girls?" I whispered.

Harry nodded and then he asked Charlie to put Aurora on.

"Hi, Mommy," I heard Aurora's small voice at the other end of the line.

"Hi, Rory. Are you okay?"

"Yes, Mommy. But I'm sorry." I heard her voice breaking up.

"Sorry for what, lovey?"

"I let Rachael go. I should have held onto her hand tighter-"

"No," I interrupted her firmly. "No, Rory. It was an accident and it wasn't your fault, okay? Don't ever think it was your fault. And besides, Rachael is going to be fine. She just has to sleep at the hospital for a night or two. Okay, lovey?"


I spoke to Grace for a few minutes and then to Charlie.

"I already told Harry that Courtney and I can stay with the girls for the weekend," he said.

"Thank you!" I said with immense gratitude for their generosity. "But I will call my parents next. They will probably want to come home. I'll let you know."

"Sure. Do you want us to bring the girls up to the hospital to visit?" He asked.

"Let me check with the nurse once they get her settled into a room. We're still in the ER."

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