Chapter 22

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Harry launched into college courses shortly after coming home, but it was like more than a full-time job. He was taking classes in all things music-related: recording, music technology, songwriting, musical performance.

College seemed to light a new fire in Harry. He came over almost every night and excitedly told me about everything he was learning. He played his guitar almost nonstop, testing out new chords, techniques, strums, etc. My girls loved the music and Harry loved the audience

Gradually, Harry's visits became less frequent. He was becoming really loaded down with school, but the experience would be crucial to his career. He was gaining helpful understanding of the music industry, not only because he was enrolled in one of the best music schools in the country, but he had become the protege of the professor for whom he interned in the summer. Dr. Basil Anselm Snider, Harry's new mentor, was now encouraging and helping Harry to follow his dreams.

As always, my listings at work dwindled as we entered the fall. I appreciated more time with my girls after a busy summer, but this year was bittersweet because Aurora started kindergarten. I couldn't believe that my sweet baby turned five and I was already watching her take her first step out into the world. I think I cried more than she did on the first day of school. Scratch that – I did cry more than she did because she didn't cry at all. I was glad that she enjoyed school, but it was an adjustment for her mama.

I was able to worry less about finances this year, in spite of my lighter work load, and that was mainly due to Harry's generous gift that was still padding my account and would continue to do so for several months to come. Eric had paid a few of his child support payments as well, but it wasn't conisistent enough for me to count on it. 

One evening, the girls and I were Skyping with my brother Ryan. We had made a promise to do it more often after his visit in the spring. The girls were chattering away with him for the longest time when I finally told them I wanted to talk to Uncle Ry by myself. They went off to get their pajamas on.

"How's it going, Lissy?"

I rolled my eyes at the nickname. "Fine, and you?" I asked.

"Pretty good," he said grinning, but I could tell there was something behind that smile.

"What's up with the goofy smile, Ryan?"

"Well...let's put it this way – I'd be honored if you and your girls would be in my wedding next summer," he winked.

I screamed and the girls came rushing back in. "What happened, Mommy?"

"Uncle Ryan is getting married!"

"Yeah!" They jumped and squealed, even 21-month-old Rachael, who really had no idea why she was cheering.

"And I would like you girls to be in the wedding," he told them. "Would you like to wear fancy dresses and be part of my wedding?"

"Oh, yes, we'd love to," Aurora gushed in her typical precocious manner. "What color will the dresses be?" She asked.

"I don't know yet, Precious, but I'll tell you when Aunt Jessica decides."

We talked a little more about the wedding and then the girls disappeared again.

"It sounds like Harry's doing well in college," Ryan said.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"He's my bud. We talk and Skype all the time. I thought you knew that."

"Nope, I was not aware of your bromance," I teased. "Does he ever talk about me?"

"Only to say how much he loves you," Ryan said.

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