Chapter 24

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I couldn't believe it was December already when I flipped the calendar. Once again, it was time to start Christmas shopping and decorating and baking and all of the other festivities. And Harry's birthday, of course. I wasn't sure how I was going to top last year's gift, but I wanted to give him something really special. I shopped for weeks and I still couldn't come up with any ideas.

Harry informed me that he was finally throwing his first house party, in honor of his birthday. I found it humorous that he was such an atypical teenager. His father had gone back to England several months ago, and Harry still hadn't taken advantage of his father's absence. At first, I declined his invitation, telling him I would feel too old and out of place, but then I realized that, if we ever did make our relationship work, we would have to figure out how to navigate the age differences between our friends. Besides, he told me some of his instructors were invited as well.

I was still going crazy trying to find the perfect gift for Harry when his birthday arrived. I decided that I would promise him a gift when he returned from England. He would be leaving in the morning to go home and celebrate the holidays with his dad. I was disappointed that he wouldn't be around for the holidays, but it would be good for him to go home.

Maggie came to babysit my girls so I could go over to Harry's party. I made a point to dress up a little, remembering the club scene and assuming that Harry's friends would be wearing something nicer than t-shirts and jeans. Actually, I stuck with jeans – skinny jeans, to be exact – but I added a plain white button up shirt and then topped it with a green sequined cardigan. I was going to wear heels, but I didn't want to fall on the ice and break my neck, so I just wore some casual boots and accepted the fact that I would never be tall. Finally, I put on some sparkly Christmas-themed earrings and I was ready to go.

I felt a little too old to be going to a college party, but then I reminded myself that it was Harry's party, and I was always welcome at Harry's house.

I let myself in, found a few people and started chatting and making light conversation. It was interesting to meet some of Harry's friends. I'd seen some of them at his gigs, so they weren't complete strangers. Many had come from all over the world to study at Fitzhugh. There was a young man from Kenya, a woman from France and a couple from Korea. They were all a bit older than the normal student population, so their presence helped me not to feel out of place. After a bit, I excused myself to try to find Harry since I hadn't seen him yet.

I found my way to the basement and when I came around the corner from the stairway, I caught sight of Victoria. "Great," I muttered. As soon as she saw me, she put her arm around Harry's waist and started laughing loudly at something that another person said.

Despite my discomfort in the moment, I walked over to Harry and he walked out of Victoria's grasp and hugged me. "I'm glad you could make it," he said, flashing his famous grin.

"Me, too. I have a gift for you, but I won't be able to get it to you until you return from England. Is that okay?"

"You don't have to do anything for me, Lise, but yes, that's fine. You spoil me, you know that!" Then he disappeared and came back with the guitar I'd given him the previous year and showed it off to his friends. That was when I decided what I would get for Harry's Christmas gift – I would look for another unique guitar. Maybe I could start a collection for him. I would have to be creative about themes, but this gift idea had the potential to last me for several years to come.

Everyone marveled at the guitar's uniqueness and craftsmanship; everyone except Victoria who just scowled, probably because she wasn't the center of attention. Or possibly because I had given Harry something rare and meaningful, and she didn't like the fact that Harry loved it.

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