Chapter 31

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Our routine didn't change much after our conversation. Harry continued coming over as always. He seemed a bit more relaxed, but he didn't answer my question right away. A few weeks later, he asked, "Are you free this Friday? Well, Friday over Saturday, actually."

"I think so," I answered, looking at him curiously. "I'll have to check with my parents to see if they can watch the kids."

"Already done!" He smirked. "They'll be here Friday morning."

"You called my parents?" I laughed. "So, what did you have in mind?"

"Just some time together," he said, kissing me warmly. "The last time we really had a date was in England, but I would hardly consider the rest of that trip quality time for us. And I suppose we need to talk through some things, too. So I thought we could use a little getaway. Do you think that will be okay with the girls?"

I closed my eyes and smiled at the thought of some alone time with Harry. "I think they will have to be okay with it," I said mischievously. "So we're staying overnight somewhere? What will my parents think?"

He leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "I don't care."

Friday arrived and my children were perfectly happy to have Grandma and Grandpa there to babysit again, especially when I promised I would be back the very next day. We gave my parents details about our outing, and they didn't even ask about the fact that it was an overnight date. Then we drove away in Harry's SUV.

"So, where are we going?" I asked.

"Let's start with the Mall of America," he said. "I haven't been there yet."

"Harry, you've been here almost two years and you haven't yet visited the Mall of America???"

"I'm not much of a mall person, but I hear it's worth the visit," he said.

"Don't they have malls in England?"

"A few. They're not as popular as they are here. I'm just not crazy about such big places," he said.

"Well, we don't have to go there," I laughed. "I've been there plenty of times. There's no sense in us going to a place that you won't enjoy."

"Oh, sure, we have to go. Isn't that a typically American experience? Besides, I will enjoy it because I'll be with you."

"Okay," I agreed with a smile.

We parked in one of the ramps and ventured inside. Harry stopped with his mouth hanging open and just breathed out, "Wow."

"Impressed?" I giggled.

"Yeah, a little bit."

"Well, what do you want to do first? Shop? Eat? Go on a ride? Maybe the aquarium?"

He turned to me with his mouth hanging open. "They have all that here? In the mall?"

"Yes! Didn't you do your research?" I teased.

"I guess not," he mused.

"We could go to a movie or a comedy club later, have dinner, go dancing, and even stay at the Radisson."

"Okay, yes, I'm impressed," he laughed.

"Should we just walk a little bit and explore?"

"Sure," he said, grabbing my hand.

It felt nice to be with him like this – not concerned about what anyone was thinking, not worrying about the kids asking questions, not trying to hide the fact that we were together. However, I did notice more than one female head turning in our direction when they caught sight of Harry. I couldn't blame them – he was devastatingly handsome, tall, and he just had that certain something that made people stand up and take notice.

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