Chapter 6

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I didn't have to wait long to find out if Harold was really interested in me because he called me the very next morning, asking if I would like to go out to dinner. I didn't even hesitate before saying yes, but then I second-guessed myself, wondering if I sounded too eager.

We made a plan for the following night, depending on whether I could find a sitter on short notice. Most likely, my mother could watch the kids, but I hated to automatically assume that she was at my beck and call. However, I soon discovered I was right and Mom was more than happy to watch the kids for my date.

I had no idea how to dress for the outing since I really didn't know where we were going. I stood in front of my closet for what seemed like hours when Aurora came wandering in.

"What are you doing, Mommy?" She asked quizzically.

"Trying to decide what to wear, lovey. I'm going to have dinner with Mr. Styles."

She looked at me thoughtfully and then approached my closet. She sifted through my clothing and then stopped, her tiny hand grasping at some dark blue material. As she carefully pulled it away from the other clothing, she gasped, "Oooh, wear this one, Mommy!"

I had completely forgotten about that dress. I loved that particular shade of blue, and this was one of my favorite dresses, but it was hidden far in the back of the closet. It was a simple navy blue sleeveless dress with square white buttons down the left side. Very neat and tidy and not ostentatious. I assumed it was a safe bet for a first date.

"Thanks, Rory! I love this one!" I told her and kissed both of her cheeks. I picked out some shoes to match and headed into my bathroom to take a shower.

Once I was dressed and made up, my mom showed up at the front door.

"Lise, you look beautiful!" She gushed.

"Thanks, Mom," I laughed. I can't imagine her saying anything else, but it made me feel good anyway.

The girls were pleased, too. "Mommy pwetty!" Gracie said, while Aurora fixed a few stray curls at the back of my neck. I felt a little like Cinderella going off to the ball with all the fuss they were making over me.

Not long after my mom arrived, Harold came to the door. I opened it just before he knocked.

"Ready to go?" He asked cheerfully.

"Absolutely," I smiled, grabbing my purse and heading out the door, waving to all the girls through the window.

"Lise, you're positively gorgeous," Harold told me.

"Thank you, but I think you're going overboard," I said shyly. I really wasn't used to getting compliments from people other than my family.

"No," he said, stopping to turn and look at me. "You are a beautiful woman, inside and out."

"Thanks," I whispered, feeling a little uneasy, not knowing how to receive such gushing remarks.

We went to a new Italian restaurant in downtown St. Paul. It was a beautiful night, so we asked to be seated on the terrace. The food was divine and Harold and I had pleasant conversation all evening. He told me a little bit more about his late wife and about his sons who would be arriving in a few weeks. "They adore children," he told me. "Especially my younger son. He will make a fine husband and father some day."

"But not your older son?" I asked lightly.

"Well, I'm sure he'll settle down once he finds the right girl, but he's a bit more of spirit. He's the one who likes to party, as you Americans say," Harold laughed. "He's always looking for a good time." I wondered if I'd like Harold's older son. He sounded a little too much like Eric.

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