His Word. ~ Chapter 1.

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A/N hey guys! I'm your writer LaceyAnne, this isn't my first Vampire diaries fanfiction, I have another Wattpadd account. However this is my first Elijah fan fiction. I hope you guys enjoy this story, give me feed back give me ideas. I promise to take everyones advice into account it helps me a lot! Happy reading!!!

P.S The picture on the side is Evangeline!!

~LaceyAnne :)

FlashBack 1312 ~ Evangeline's Pov.

I woke up gasping for breath. My eyes taking in every inch of the room. I quickly sat up, looking for him, looking for my love. Elijah Mikaelson. Everything seem so much clearer now, my senses are all heightened. Smell, touch, hearing, it's all so much clearer.

"Elijah." I whispered.

"My love, I am here." Elijah said, entering the room. "How do you feel?" He asked sitting on the bed beside me.

"I feel different." I trailed, not finding the right words. "Good different." Elijah smiled.

"I've brought you something." He said, gesturing to the door. "Anna, please enter." He commanded. A girl, around my age, walked in, she looked emotionless, like she had been compelled. "You need to feed to complete the process." Elijah explained, before biting into the girls wrist. The sweet scent instantly caught my attention as I watched the blood trickle down the girl's arm. Elijah offered the wrist to me and I gladly took it and locking my teeth onto it. The blood was like honey, sweet and thick sliding down my throat, making me crave more. I finally released the girl, her body fell limp onto the floor.

Looking up into my mirror, I saw my reflection, my eyes were red, purple veins stuck out underneath them, and sharp fangs poked out my mouth. I gasped and walked closer to the mirror running my fingertips over the dark veins.

"You are even more beautiful." Elijah whispered, turning me to face him and placing his hands on either side of my face. He ran his fingers over the veins too, smiling down at me. I smiled back. He then leant down and kissed me.

"Promise me something?" I asked.

"Anything for you." He promised.

"Promise, that now I'm a vampire, we'll be together forever?" I asked. He smiled down at me again.

"You have my word."

Present day ~ Evangeline's Pov

Elijah Mikaelson was always a man of his word. He'd always say, a man's word is a mans honour and without honour a man isn't truely a man. Elijah said he would always keep his word. That was one of his main priorities, to keep his word. Elijah gave me his word once over 200 years ago, he gave me his word that he would be with me forever, then he left without so much as a goodbye.

I never forgave him for that, although being sired to an original isn't very good when you are trying to avoid them. Yes I am sired to Elijah, we found this out just before he left. It makes it harder to forget him, I fell out of love with him the moment he left with no goodbye. I am afraid that if we meet again it may rekindle an old flame but he wont feel as stongly as I do.

Okay, I know it's short but it's really just an Introduction, I hope you liked it anyway!!

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