His Word. ~ Chapter 7

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A/N Hey guys, how's the story so far? I hope you guys are enjoying it as much a i am enjoying writing it fo you!! The trailer on the side is the one my friend made for me! It's on my youtube account so please like it!! Anyway, enjoy this chapter! Happy reading!!


Evangeline's pov.

"Leave then." Elijah said.

"What?" I asked.

"If you do not care or wish to speak to me leave." He explained, gesturing to the door.

"Fine!" I snapped, before heading towards the door. In a flash Elijah was in front of me.

"Are you close to Elena?" Elijah asked. I looked at him confused and nodded. "Do you wish to keep her safe no matter what?" I nodded again. He smirked.

"What's going to happen to Elena?" I asked, cautiously.

"My brother is planning on breaking the sun and moon curse, he needs to sacrfice Elena in order for the curse to be broken, I do not wish to bring harm to Elena, I wish to use her to kill my brother and I think you can help me with this." Elijah explained.

"So you want to use Elena in the sacrfice so you can kill your brother?" I asked. He nodded. "No I will not let you hurt Elena!" I yelled before rushing to the door, once again I was stopped by Elijah. He grabbed each side of my face, I instantly knew what he was going to do so I started struggling.

"Forgive me." He said before a loud crack ripped through the room and I plunged into darkness.


I woke up with a splitting headache. Elijah broke my neck twice yesterday. I was lying in bed, Elijah's bed in the motel. However Elijah wasn't here, I decided to make a run for it so I rushed over to the door and opened it.

"Trying to escape again?" Elijah asked, standing outside the door. I sighed irritably and walked back over to the bed. "We are going out, come along, I have found out where Miss Rose is."

"You've found Rose?" I asked.

"Yes I have, she's in a cafe, a local vampire cafe." Elijah said. He then tossed me my jacket which I reluctantly pulled on before following him out the door. We headed down to his car, he opened the door and let me get in before he climbed into the drivers seat. We drove for about 35 minutes before we arrived outside a cafe. Elijah got out the car, me following. He observed the cafe before walking over to a man who was playing the guitar. Elijah knelt down and place a hundred dollar note in the guitar bag before taking a hand full of the loose change. Elijah played around with the change whilst staring intently at Rose, Damon and another guy, who I did not recognise.

"Elijah, please don't do it, don't hurt my friend." I pleaded.

"Do not worry dear, the glass will smash, your friend will be fine, Rose and her friend not so fine." Elijah smirked before flinging the coins full speed at the window causing it to smash. Allthe vampires, except for Damon, started burning.

"Time to go!" Elijah said, grabbing my arm and pulling me away.

"What the hell?!" I snapped as we got back to the car.

"What, I was sending a warning." Elijah explained. I scoffed befroe getting in the car, slamming the door. I stared out the window as Elijah got in.

"Where are we going now?" I asked.

"To visit Rose's friend Slater." Elijah said.

"Why?" I asked.

"He is getting in my way, he needs to be disposed of." Elijah said simply, I rolled my eyes and leant my head on the window, staring out of it.

"You're disappointed?" Elijah asked.

"Yes I am."


"Because you've changed." I said, looking up at him then looking back out the window. I heard Elijah sigh. I closed my eyes, letting the sound of the other cars whizzing past consume me. I thought back to the time when I first met Elijah, at a ball. It was the Lord Antonio's ball.


"Daughter, go dance, have fun." My father ordered.

"Yes father." I smiled before leaving his side. I walked through the crowd of men, trying to find any female to talk to. This was more of a mens ball, not a Lady's, however my father insisted that I show up in chance that I may find a husband. No such luck came to me. Not one single man caught my eye. After 10 minutes of searching I decided to go back to my father.

"Ahh Evangeline." My father called as I approached him.

"Father." I smiled.

"My beautiful Daughter, I have someone for you to meet."

"Who?" I asked.

"I would Like you to meet the Lord Elijah Mikaelson." My father said, gesturing to the man next to him. He was so handsome, his dark brown eyes glistened with mischeif, but loyalty. I smiled at him as he held out his hand. I took his hand and curtsyed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you my Lord." I smiled. He lifted my hands to his lips and kissed it.

"The Pleasure's all mine Miss Gerard." Elijah said, smiling.


"Evangeline, we have arrived." Elijah said, pulling me from my daydream.

"Oh okay." I said before getting out the car. In a flash Elijah was in front of me.

"What were you thinking about?" Elijah asked.

"Just about a time, where I met the most Loyal man ever." I said before walking away, wiping a single tear from my cheek.

So how was it? Did you like the flashback? Please vote and comment!! The picture on the side is What Eva wore to the ball in the flashback.

His Word. (Elijah Mikaelson, Vampire Diaries FanFiction).Where stories live. Discover now