His Word ~ Chapter 10.

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"I might be able to lower the tomb spell long enough for you to get in there and grab the moonstone from Katherine." Bonnie explained. We were now sitting in the parlor of the boarding house. We had explained to Bonnie about what had happened in the tomb.

"How? It took both you and your Grams last time, and look what happened to her." Jeremy said, concerned.

"I'm well aware of what happened. I've learned a few new things." Bonnie retorted.


"How will you get it?" Bonnie asked Stefan, cutting off Jeremy.

"She hasn't been feeding. She's weaker. We're not." Stefan said simply.

"You wouldn't be underestimating her, would you?" Bonnie asked.

"It's a plan. Is it perfect? What plan is?"Damon scoffed.

"Let me do it. I've got my ring. I can get in, get out, no spells necessary." Jeremy said.

"Gee, thanks, you a 16-year-old child. Why didn't we think about that? Why are you even here?" Damon asked, rudely. I smacked his arm and glared at him.

"Maybe I can help better the plan. Do you have anything that belongs to Katherine?" Bonnie asked, looking at Stefan and Damon. Damon looked at Stefan. He sighed before leaving the room, this gave Bonnie time to set up some equipment she needed. Stefan then re-entered the parlor room. He had a picture of Katherine in his hands.

"This belonged to Katherine. Found it with her things after I thought she was dead, but it was hers." He eplained. He held out the picture to Bonnie, who took it from him and placed it into the bowl which shehad set up. She dipped her fingers in the glass of water before holding them over the bowl, allowing the droplets to drip onto the picture. Bonnie then closed her eyes and started to chant the spell. Flames sprouted out from the picture.

"What will this do?" Damon asked. Bonnie opened her eyes and watched the picture as it burnt.

"I can turn the metal into ash. Blow the ashes on her, and it'll incapacitate her for a minute or two. Long enough for you to get the stone and get out." She explained as she finished. Damon and Stefan had now left the room before re-entering with supplys.

"Still gotta get the torches." Stefan said.

"Alaric's stake gun's in my trunk. Bonnie?" Damon asked.

"Go ahead. I'm almost done." Bonnie smiled. Stefan left.

"Let's go Eva." Damon said. I smiled and nodded before following him out. We arrived at the tomb about 20 minutes later. We waited outside for about 15 minutes before Bonnie showed up.

"Sorry I'm late. I had to grab the grimoire from home." She apologised.

"Jeremy couldn't take the pressure, huh?" Damon scoffed.

"He said he'd be here." Bonnie said confused. Stefan and Bonnie started to decsend down the steps, until Damon stopped me when his phone started ringing.

"Not a good time, Rose." He snapped. I listened into the conversation.

"Don't be angry with me." Rose pleaded.

"Why, what did you do?" Damon asked.

"You need to get to Richmond immediately." Rose said.

"Tell me." Damon ordered.

"Elena pesruaded me with a daylight ring to take her to Slater so that she can contact Klaus. She wants to hand herself over so that Klaus doesn't hurt you guys, you need to get here, before they do!" She explained.

"On our way!" Damon said. We rushed back to the car. Damon sped off down the road. A look of pure concern etched across his face. We came to the familiar appartment building and Damon rushed up the stairs. He slowly opened the appartment door before sneaking up on Elena. She turned and gasped when she saw us.

"What are you doing here?" Damon sanpped.

"What are you doing here?" Elena retorted. Suddenly Rose entered the room.

"You called him?" Elena asked her, angrily.

"I'm sorry, Elena." Rose said.

"You said that you understood." Elena sighed.

"She lied." Damon snapped.

"Damon Salvatore!" An unfamiliar voice said. We turned to see a dark haired girl entering the room.

"Get rid of her." Damon said to Rose

"No. Way." THe girl snapped. Rose grabbed her arm and dragaged her out of the room .

"Come on. We're leaving." Damon said.

"No." Elena said, stubbornly.

"I said we're leaving." Damon growled.

"I'm not going with you." Elena snapped.

"You do not get to make decisions anymore." I growled.

"When have I ever made a decision? You and Stefan and Damon do that for me. Now this, this is my decision." Elena argued.

"Who's gonna save your life while you're out making decisions?" Damon asked.

"You're not listening to me, Damon. I don't want to be saved. Not if it means that Klaus is gonna kill every single person that I love." Elena cried.

"Get your ass out the door before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you out myself." Damon snapped before grabbing Elena's arm. She struggled in his grip.

"No!" Elena snapped once again before throwing a punch at Damon, he caught her fist in his hand. Elena gasped as he leant closer to her.

"Don't ever do that again." He snarled. Damon released her hand before walking away. Elena stood there horrified. Damon re-entered the room.

"Time to go. Alice is soundly sleeping and won't remember a moment of this horribly stupid day." He said. Suddenly the front door burst open and three men entered the appartment.

"We're here to meet the doppelgänger." One of them said, stepping forward.

"Thank you for coming." Elena said, attempting to move forward but Damon pushed her back.

"I will break your arm." He growled.

"There's nothing here for you." I snapped. Suddenly one of the men dropped to the floor. Elijah was stood behind him, holding his hearts. Rose gasped and sped out of the appartment. Elijah looked over at Damon, Elena and I.

"I killed you. You were dead." Damon snapped.

"For centuries now." Elijah smirked. "Who are you?" He asked, looking back at the man.

"Who are you?" The vampire retorted.

"I'm Elijah." Elijah said.

"We were gonna bring her to you. For Klaus. She's the doppelgänger. I don't know how she exists, but she does. Klaus will want to see her." The vampire said.

"Does anyone else know that you're here?" Elijah asked.

"No." The vampire said.

"Well, then, you have been incredibly helpful." Elijah said before plunging his hands into the two vampire's chest. They grunted as he pulle dout their hearts. The vampire's fell to the floor, dead. Damon got into a fight stance but instead, Elijah ran towards me.

"Time to go." He said grabbing my arm.

"No!" I yelled, but in a flash we were outside.

"Elijah let me go!" I growled.

"No!" He said before snapping my neck....again.

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His Word. (Elijah Mikaelson, Vampire Diaries FanFiction).Where stories live. Discover now