Chapter Eighteen

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"So it there anything I need to pack extra?." Allen murmured against Kanda's ear, they were in his bedroom lying on the bed with his head cushioned against Kanda's bicep. Just a few minutes ago he had finished packing his luggage for the trip.

Going to France to see where Kanda lived and tell his Father the news was kinda nerve racking and he was surprised he hadn't thrown up yet.

"The weather's not going to be that cold, but since I'm used to it I want you to pack extra jackets." Kanda mumbled back, rolling over to wrap his arms around his mate, running the tip of his nose down Allen's sensitive neck earning giggles from his little mate.
"The old man is going to cry... Its going to be great." He finished with a low snicker that sent shivers down Allen's spine.

"Does he always cry when you tell him good news?." Allen asked, snuggling closer to his mate, fingers reaching up to twine around the fringes that lay on both sides of Kanda's face. He smiled as Kanda snorted.

"If, the geezer wails could be heard from miles away when Timothy was born. " he deadpanned.

Allen burst into laughter as soon as his brain understood the statement, letting go of his beloved to wrap his arms around his stomach and roll over laughing.
"Did you hear that baby? Grandpa is going to go crazy over you."

Kanda let a tender smile grace his lips, gazing at his mate with such love and affection that it made his chest hurt.
He had been alone for so long, wondering from country to country, never finding his one and only, he thanked his Lucky stars that he had ended up where he was otherwise he would have never found this beautiful white haired Angel that was laughing and talking to their baby about it's grandfather.

There was a knock at the door and before either of them could answer the door was pushed open and Neah-with his hyperactive self- came bouncing into the room with a huge smile on his handsome face.

"Allen~...Kanda ~" he sang skipping forward. In his hands was what looked like a thick wool coat, it was a pitch black and shining, the light reflecting off it made it look gorgeous.

"Uncle Neah?." Allen inquired, turning his head to look at his uncle questioningly.
Neah smiled rushing forward to scoop up his nephew and squeeze him tightly.

Kanda fell back onto the bed at that and clamped his hand over his mouth to muffle his chuckles.

"My cute baby boy!" He gushed, swinging him around carefully.
"I have got a wonderful present for you." He placed Allen back on the bed and knelt before him, spreading the coat on his lap.

Allen gaped, small hands smoothing along the soft fluffy material, he looked at Neah in silent questioning and his uncle smiled back tenderly at him.

Its made from werewolf fur." He murmured, Allen's eyes widen at that and Neah laughed.
"Mana gave it to me." He said smiling sadly as Allen gasped.
"It was his friend, who had killed a werewolf when they were younger, feral Wolf without its pack is a dangerous wolf, it couldn't be helped it was to far gone that time."

"Dad.. Made this?." Allen spoke softly, feeling Kanda shift behind him to press against his back and peek over his shoulder.
"I never knew."

"It was not really something he liked to share." Neah said, hands reaching up to grasp Allen's small hands in his.
"But I know that he would have wanted you to have it, don't worry its been washed and cleaned so many times that the natural scent has disappeared."

The small white haired boy gripped the coat in his lap and nodded wordlessly, he was glad his dad left this for him to get, it would certainly help when he arrives in France.

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