49. Looking At You

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(unedited) - Please read chapters 47 and 48 first

Farrah stretched out her legs and leaned back on her elbows as she looked up towards the sun. Richard was stretched out on the picnic blanket next to her with his hands folder under his head. He was looking up at the clear blue sky, deep in thought. Smiling softly, she rolled to lay on her tummy, the length of their bodies pressed against the other.

"Penny for your thoughts?" she asked him softly.

Richard moved his gaze from the sky to settle on her face. He took in every inch of her face; the arch of her eyebrows, to the curves of her cupid's bow, the dark lashes that curled naturally. Her lips were poised in a soft smile that made his heart clench. There were really no words that would express how much he'd miss her when she left.

He smiled sadly and shook his head, "It's nothing." Richard closed his eyes trying to keep his emotions at bay. He felt her shuffle closer to him, but he still kept his eyes closed. He felt a tentative brush of a finger across his eyebrow and he forgot how to breathe. Keeping his eyes shut, he waited completely still, for Farrah to touch him again.

Richard felt it again, another soft brush across his eyebrow and he expelled a slow breath. He opened his eyes slowly to gaze into Farrah's honeyed eyes. The looked at each other as she slowly brushed his eyebrows.

"I'm here, baby. I'm still here," she said softly. The words 'for now' was dangling between them like a double-edged sword in the silence that surrounded them. But Farrah still smiled softly down at him. Moving slowly she rested her head on his chest, right above his heart as she draped her arm across him. Closing her eyes, she inhaled deeply and she felt Richard wind his arms around her.

They laid there, underneath a tree in the dappled sunshine luxuriating in the feel of being in each other's arms.

She could feel someone caressing her arm and her back as they softly called her name. Farrah...Farrah...Farrah...

"Farrah," she heard Richard call and her eyes snapped open. Blinking in confusion she looked up Richard; her head on his shoulder as she looked up at him. "I fell asleep...," she said in confusion.

She licked her dry lips and cleared her throat, "What time is it? How long was I out for?"

"It's half past five, and you were asleep for a good half an hour I suppose," Richard said as he idly ran his fingers up and down her arm. "Come on, it's time to head inside."

"But, I'm so comfortable here," she murmured sleepily as she snuggled into Richard's embrace.

"Come on, love. We'd better head in. It'll be time for dinner soon," he said as his fingers trailed up her spine, her neck, and threaded into her hair.

"You're messing up my hair, baby," she said, her voice husky with sleep.

Richard hummed with a smile. Gripping her shoulders securely, he sat them both up.

"Nooooo," she whined into his chest, and Richard couldn't help but chuckle. This was a whole different side of her that he was seeing today; a little childish, a little spoilt, a little clingy. And he loved it. It was as though they were in a real relationship. Sure, there was no physical intimacies involved but he would take this over nothing at all.

"Come on, love," Richard said as he stood and extended a hand to Farrah who was looking up at him. "We still need to get ready for dinner."

"Get ready for dinner? Is it a fancy do or something? I didn't bring any clothes for a fancy dinner," she said resignedly as she took his hand and waited for Richard to pull her up.

"No, it's not a fancy do. Just us. You can wear whatever you want, love" he said as he pulled her up and tucked her under his arm. She looked up at him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Richard sighed as he looked down at her and wondered how did he get so lucky today?

"Okay," she said softly as she looked up at him. He was a sight to behold. His ember hair mussed by laying down on the picnic blanket, his oceanic eyes studying her. He was pulling her in with the currents that was his love and respect for her and she was being swept away like the sand on the shore. With each wave of love, he owned more of her heart.

They walked together in silence back towards the cottage, each engrossed in their own thoughts as they wrapped their arms across the other.

It was almost seven o'clock when Farrah heard a knock on the door. Farrah rushed over to the door and swung it open. Her eyes widened as her heart sped up; Richard stood before her in a pair of navy slacks and the matching jacket. He had a pink shirt on of which he left the first three buttons undone. Farrah could see the sliver of pale skin and dug her nails into her palm. Her fingers were itching to reach out and caress that pale stretch of skin.

"Richard," she exclaimed as she found her voice, "You said it wasn't a formal do. Look at me, I am seriously under-dressed!"

Richard took a step back and let his gaze wander slowly from the tips of her feet to the top of her head. "What are you doing?" Farrah breathed, feeling warm all over as she felt Richard's gaze sweep lovingly over every inch of her body.

"Well, I am doing exactly what you asked me to do; I am looking at you," he answered simply. Farrah was in the same pair of white Converse that she wore when she arrived. Her legs clad in the same tight light wash denim. Her body was swathed in the finest silk; a long sleeved hot pink wrap dress that tied at the waist. It skimmed her knees and dipped at the back touching the floor. She looked decadent in the silk as well as homely in her jeans and Converse. To him, she was everything he ever wanted; someone to share a quiet but passionate love with, someone who would build a home with him.

"You look absolutely beautiful, love," Richard said as he walked towards her. "Just one thing though," he said as cocked his head to the side, "perhaps, put your hair down?"

Quietly she walked back to the mirror and started removing the bobby pins that were holding her hair up. She saw Richard in the reflection, he was silently watching her as she undid her hair. He hair tumbled down in a mess, but Farrah quickly grabbed a brush and tried to brush it out.

"It's a mess," she said as she turned to face Richard. "I don't have any of my hair stuff with me," she said as her fingers twirled the ends of her hair. "I'm going to put it back up again."

"Don't," Richard said halting her movements. Farrah's hair was in artless curls down her back, and he loved it. He tucked a piece of her hair behind her ears, "You look perfect." Sliding his hand down her arm and lacing it with her fingers, he pulled her along. "Come on, we'll be late for dinner."


And done with the updates for today.

Phew, I have been having a massive writers block lately. Partly it's due to the fact the book is ending soon and I am having some separation anxiety with it. It kinda feels like my baby is all grown up and leaving the nest.

Anyone else experience the same thing?

Anyways, I hope you have enjoyed reading all the updates. Please remember to share, vote and comment!

Am looking forward to hear from you after the weeks of being away :'(

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