45. When?

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Farrah heard the pop of the champagne bottle and felt the confetti that was raining down on her. Holding her palm up she caught a few pieces of the shimmering paper as they gracefully fluttered in the air. Everything felt rather surreal to her in this moment. The unofficial numbers have come in, and it looks like close to 20 million viewers have tuned in tonight to watch the segment. Her segment. They almost beat the viewership of the World Cup finals, almost.

She looked around and everyone was celebrating, even Violet - the intern, had joined the team celebrating. She was smiling ear to ear her eyes bright as she was crushed in a group hug by Mark, Will, and Rachel. Farrah was still in a trance like state when she saw they were all descending on her and pulled her into the group hug. Farrah stood statue still, completely overwhelmed not knowing how to react.

"Okay, okay...everyone clear out. Give the woman some space to breathe," she heard George say. "Farrah, you okay?" George asked, holding on to her elbow gently guiding her out of the screening room.

"Yeah...yeah...I think I am," Farrah said swallowing. "I can't believe that it worked," Farrah said. "And that people liked me," Farrah continued, "Me, a brown Muslim girl on the same screen with royalty...and people sort of accepted it, well a good majority of them anyways." She chuckled nervously playing with her hair.

"Well I never doubted it for a second. You are absolutely made for this," George said proudly. "Once you come back from filming, we will renegotiate your contract again."

"Thanks George," Farrah said smiling softly.

"Whatever for?" He asked.

"For believing in me, for guiding me, for having faith in my idea...the list of things to thank you goes on and on," Farrah said in seriousness.

"Farrah, this was a brilliant idea. I would have to be batshit crazy to look a gift horse in the mouth," he laughed. Farrah just shook her head and smiled at him. "Come lets go back in," he says walking back into the screening room.

"Alright team, well done! It was an absolute nightmare working with you lot, and I will be glad to have you gone for six months. Rachel, remember I want footage every week. Beg, borrow, steal...I don't care how you do it but make sure you get an internet connection and upload the videos into our cloud."

"Now, get out of here and check back in tomorrow with HR before you sign off. Off you go! Shoo! You too Violet," George said shooing everyone out of the screening room.

"George, aren't you coming?" Farrah asked standing at the doorway.

"No, we'll celebrate the next time round," he winked at her.

Farrah walked out into the lobby and saw them all waiting for her. "Come on, you filthy lot. Let's head to Paani; drinks on me," Farrah said with a big bright smile as the rest of them cheered and hooted at her announcement.


Farrah walked to the back of the bar and found Dave. Quickly checking in with him, Farrah then headed up to the VIP section and sat down. She watched everyone mingling, some even chatting up the guests from the next table. Susan, one of the waitresses brought them their drinks, and Farrah's mocktail. She sipped gingerly at it when Rachel made a toast to their next adventure.

"You're looking extremely introspective for someone who had a smashing segment," came the familiar voice behind her. Drink still in hand, she turned around and smiled.

The Segment (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now