26. Honey In The Sun

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Farrah studied the foam on her hot chocolate and sighed. It's been almost twenty minutes and there was no sign of him. She had already had a long day at Paani, going over inventory and the accounts. She thought it would be quick; meeting Saif, apologizing, quickly drinking her hot chocolate and then heading home. She had big plans in mind; and it all involved her bed. She wanted, no needed to sneak in a quick nap before heading out for dinner with Ben and Charlie. She was beyond exhausted.

It had been only three days since Richard left and it felt as though a part of her was missing. That day when he held her in his arms, it seems like Richard had sneakily took a piece of her heart with him. She didn't notice it at first, especially since her heart had been pounding so hard in her chest, that all seemed fine. But it wasn't, a sense of restlessness took over her when she realised that he had boarded a plane and left for four weeks, all without calling to say goodbye. She hadn't been able to sleep properly since that day, constantly tossing and turning in bed.

Sighing again she took a sip of her now slightly warm hot chocolate. As she put her cup down, her eyes panned up the jeans cladded legs, the black shirt and camel brown trench. Saif had his hair in a low bun again, much like the other night. She gestured towards the chair, silently asking him to sit.

Leaning back Farrah said softly, "I thought you were not going to show."

Shrugging as he sat, "I thought about it, but didn't want to make you believe that I don't have any sense of commitment for anything and anyone." He was using her words against her and Farrah knew it. Rubbing her eyes tiredly, Farrah watched him.

"Would you like anything to drink?" she asked softly.

"No, I'm good. Thanks," Saif said looking away.

Leaning forwards, "Saif, I'm really sorry. I was a raging bitch towards you, and you didn't deserve it, any of it. I'm truly very sorry."

Saif took a moment to study Farrah's face, she did look remorseful, and he knew she was sorry. But everything she said was true and it struck a chord in him. Clearing his throat, he nodded accepting her apology.

Farrah looked at him through her lashes, "Can I ask you something...? Please?"

Said nodded again, studying her. "Why me? Why all that effort? I mean, I'm not fishing for compliments or anything...But why me? Was it because I laughed?" she asked quietly.

Why did he put so much effort in this?, Saif wondered to himself. It wasn't the first time he was rejected, but he never made a game out of it. He had never single mindedly tried to pursue someone who clearly had no interest in him. He shrugged, "Maybe." Haltingly he continued, "I suppose you could say that my pride was severely wounded."

She nodded, seeming to understand something. "I'm not sure if you're aware, but I work in broadcasting. And I am still an intern, at 26. A paid intern, but still an intern. And being a woman, you cannot imagine the number of propositions that have come my way," she explained slowly.

"Men, and quite frankly some women, in power think that the people who are at the bottom most of the pyramid as needy. They feel benevolent that they have power that can elevate our status, and in exchange they want something and it usually is that; sex. It doesn't happen to everyone but it does happen, more so in the entertainment industry. Unfortunately, if you do not have strong connections, regardless whether professional or sexual - the chances of you ever making up to the top of the pyramid is nil."

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