43. Practice

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Farrah groaned as her hand reached out in the dark to find her phone. Her alarm was blaring and swiped to snooze it. Just five more minutes, she thought to herself as she drifted off to sleep. She woke up with a jolt when her alarm rang again. Groaning she woke up and fumbled to her bathroom. Quickly she took her wudhu and said her Fajr prayers before she dove back into the comfort of her duvet and fell fast asleep.

When her alarm rang again Farrah forced her eyes open and blinked up at the ceiling. Slowly she felt around for her phone and switched of the alarm. Putting her phone down she stretched under the covers and found herself smiling at nothing in particular. She woke up smiling to herself but she couldn't fathom why.

There was a skip in her step as she got ready for her another day in the BBCS offices. Another day in the editing booth followed by interview prep with Rachel and George. When the prospect of the same thing had her feet dragging the last few days, today she was looking forward to it. She walked out of her room and found Charlie lounging on the sofa, still in her pajamas and the aroma of her morning cuppa filling the space.

"Morning babe," Farrah chirped out as she walked pass Charlie and into the kitchen. She put the kettle on boil and pulled out her favourite tea bags and milk for her tea.

"What's got you sounding so chipper?" Charlie asked curiously eyeing Farrah from the door.

"What?" Farrah said throwing a look over her shoulder, "Nothing." But Farrah was still smiling.

"Oookaaay, woman you need to explain what happened last night...." Charlie trailed. "Between you and Richard?" Charlie continued waving her hand.

"Nothing happened," Farrah said as she smiled while fixing her tea.

"You have a Cheshire Cat smile on your face! Tell me!" Charlie almost begged.

Farrah turned around and smirked as she pursed her lips to take a sip of her hot tea.

"You need to tell me before I spontaneously combust..." Charlie said deadpanned. "You guys were so...so cosy together when I got home. This is the first time I've ever seen you so completely at ease with him...," Charlie trailed deep in thought.

"I just...I...I told him about the hosting gig. And having to be away for a couple of months. And he was just, so incredibly understanding and supportive about it," Farrah trailed, her eyes on the floor as she recalled the look on his face when she told him. She was well aware that he was expecting her to say something else; but she wasn't ready to voice those thoughts. To admit that she to was falling in love with him.

Saying it out loud would make it real. And she had no idea how she was going to deal with the gravity of the situation that they were in; in love but perhaps not meant be together. She didn't want him to convert and to lose his identity. The worst thing that could happen is that after everything he would've given up, he'd regret it. He might feel that she wasn't worth it; their love wasn't worth all the hardship.

She felt a bump on her shoulder and she looked up right into Charlie's eyes. "Penny for your thoughts?" she heard Charlie ask her gently.

It was then that Farrah realised that she was frowning into her cup. Shaking the lingering thoughts away, she smiled again at her best friend and enveloped her in a hug. "Well, I was wondering if I would make it for your wedding."


The newspaper landed with a smack on her table. Farrah paused her typing and glanced at the front page. On the right-hand corner was a photo of Richard exiting his car in front of what looks suspiciously like her flat building.

"Isn't that somewhere around where you live?" She heard Chris say.

"Yes, it does look like it," Farrah said flatly, not showing any emotions as her finger resumed flying across the keyboard. She saw him perch his hip on her desk from the corner of her eye and refrained from heaving a sigh.

"So, you're are actually doing it, ey? Fuckin' around for jobs. Is that how you got that gig with Rachel?" he asked crudely.

"Yes, I fucked Rachel for that job. I fucked George, Will, and even Mark. Are you jealous that you have nothing to offer me in exchange for a fuck?" She deadpanned as she continued her work, not even glancing his way.

"What makes you think that I would even want the likes of you in my bed?" he hissed. Well, that clearly hit a nerve, she thought rolling her eyes internally

"What makes you think that I had to sleep my way through to get to where I am?" She deadpanned. "Why can't you just man the fuck up, and accept that not only do I work hard at my job; I am fucking fabulous at it?"

She finally turned her chair to face him, his face red and blotchy from anger. It was such a shame, she thought. For someone so good looking, he was wile and mean-spirited. "Not like I owe you any explanation, but the area where I live...it is crawling with socialites, B-grade celebs, and even some pretty famous YouTubers. So, he could've been there for anyone really. It's none of my business what Prince Richard does outside the segment. And besides, all of us working with the palace have signed NDA's so it's not like we can talk about it," she reminded him as she watched his face.

There was a slight pang in heart, she had to lie to cover up where Richard was and who he was seeing. This was something that she knew anyone dating the prince would have to handle. The constant hounding by the press and the paparazzi's. That person would be open to public scrutiny and very, very few things would remain private. She was thankful that there were no photos of the building that he went into. Granted no one knew her exact address, but still, she valued her privacy.

She took her phone and quickly took a photo of the front page and sent it to Richard along with a text.

Well, it was good while it lasted. But you are now officially banned from coming over, babe. 9.03am

Then how will I see you? 9.04am

I suppose we can start practising with video calls for when you have to leave, love. 9.04am

Farrah couldn't stop the smile that took over her face as she read his replies to her. Everything seems to be clicking into place all of a sudden that it felt too good to be true.                


It's a double whammy of an update. Please continue to the next chapter

And thank you for the comments and votes!


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