22. Future Mother-In-Law

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As Farrah walked into the hall her breath hitched as she was instantly transported into a different world; where the light was a beautiful golden colour and the walls where covered in deep shades of blue. Candles were lit in the middle of each table. And at the front of it all, the dais for the bride and groom, decorated with hundreds fairy lights. It felt like an oasis of calm in the midst of all the mehendi related drama that was going on. Apparently, one the dancers had broken her heel. Someone's aunty was lost and couldn't find the way to the hall. Mahira's earrings were also missing. The groom was missing his socks. Farrah couldn't help but laugh.

Mahira and her grew up together. Both were daughters of restaurant owners. The difference was that Mahira's dad cooked and served up the best Pakistani dishes and didn't have dreams of expansions and expensive gastro-pubs. This didn't mean that they were poor by any stretch of the imagination, it just meant that they were perfectly happy with whatever they have.

She watched as her dad, walked up to Mahira's parents; greeting and congratulating them on their child's wedding. At the same time, saying a small prayer for her wishing her well. When her dad was done, she walked up to Mahira's mother and gave the woman a hug. It was an extra tight hug as they hadn't seen each other in almost a year and Farrah was always fond of her.

As soon as she stepped out of the embrace, she was almost tackled by Choti Khala. For someone shorter than herself, Choti Khala was deceivingly strong. Choti Khala held her by the arm and excused them as she pulled them to the side. Farrah studied Choti Khala's profile; her fair complexion, her dark brown hair and her honey coloured eyes. The same ones that stared back at Farrah in her reflection.

"Khala, what happened?" Farrah asked.

"Uff, the mother of that boy! She is such a pain!" she answered.

Farrah's eyes were round in surprise. "This doesn't sound promising," Farrah said as she adjusted her dupatta.

"No, no...she's just really excited to meet you," Choti Khala said slowly, realising her earlier slip.

Farrah smiled and shook her head gently. "Chalo, let's get this over and done with."

"You're not going to impress anyone with this attitude," Choti Khala said frowning.

"Well, that's good because I wasn't planning on impressing anyone," Farrah muttered with her head held high; ready to meet her future mother-in-law.

Weaving through the tables, with Choti Khala leading the way, Farrah braced herself for the meeting that was about to take place. The woman, was a short but plump little thing with a loud voice that could be heard across the hall. Her wrists were covered in gold bangles and made soft tinkly noises when she moved them as she talked. In a lavender colour shalwar kameez, her fair complexion and almost light brown hair made her look almost like a gori, but her mannerisms solidified the fact that she was Punjabi and proud of it.

Farrah lasted all but 15 minutes, before she excused herself to the ladies room. Placing her hands on the sink counter, Farrah looked at the floor and exhaled harshly. She couldn't do this. She had been entirely optimistic, too optimistic tonight. Her 'future mother-in-law' was loud and rude; and Farrah couldn't stand it. Yes, she did smile and bear it earlier, but she would never be able to do it for the rest of her life. Also, there was the fact that her heart would skip a beat whenever she saw the bright blue drapes placed around the wall.

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