Chapter 4

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A/N: Do you mind following my instagram, its @louislovesharryloveslarry.

Louis' P.O.V.

1 week and a day later

Sunday 24th August

9 weeks and 4 days.

I'm hitting the ten week mark soon and Harry has only just survived the wrath of my step dad, Mark. Just.

Also today Harry and I are setting up a skype call to tell our friends about the baby. Also in three days, I have my next appointment. Not to mention I still need to tell Jack about the baby. Its all happening at once.

I also found out that it is the first time my baby looks almost human. My baby has all the standard body parts in place now, though they're not yet formed to perfection. Also, my mood swings are playing havoc with my emotions. One minute I'm feeling weepy and the next I'm laughing harder than I've ever laughed before.

Its worse for Haz though. One moment I'm yelling at him, then I'm crying because I've yelled at him and then I'm laughing at him for no reason. Talking about Harry. Where is he? He's taking forever getting me some cookies from the shop as he didn't have any. What kind of home doesn't have cookies!? A home without cookies is just a house!

I get up from my spot on the sofa and walk into the kitchen. I hum softly as I look through the cupboards. I'm sure Anne won't mind if I eat some food... I take out a packet of monster munch and walk back into the living room.

How long does it take to buy a packet of cookies?!?!

I start to eat my packet of crisps as I text Zayn. Well its more of him telling me about Perrie and how great she is... If you know what I mean. TMI Zayn. TMI.

I hear the click of the door go off and then hear it open. Harry.

"Honey, I'm home!" Harry calls as I get up.

"Where have you been!? I've been waiting for half an hour for them cookies!" I say angrily and walk over to him.

"I-I got distracted." Harry blushes.

"Bullshit." I mutter and snatch the bag off him.

I walk back into the living room and sit on the sofa. I take out the packet of cookies from the plastic Asda bag and open them up.

Sometimes Harry just pisses me off.

I start to eat the cookies, one at a time, until I realise that dunking them in milk would be great.

"I need milk." I mutter and stand up.

"I'll do it." Harry smiles and gets up from the second sofa, which I hadn't realised he was sat on.

"No. Harold. I have legs. I'm pregnant, not a child or whatever. So no. I can do it myself." I huff and walk into the kitchen.

I'm not a child.

"Whatever you say Lewis." Harry smirks. I can tell he's smirking.

I roll my eyes and take out the milk from the fridge before placing it on the side. I go on my tip-toes to open the cupboard above me which contains the mugs, cups and glasses. I reach up for the closest glass and blindly feel around for it. The tips of my fingers graze the side of the glass, pushing it slightly further back. I frown and search for another one.

Sometimes my height is an advantage and sometimes its a disadvantage... Like now.

"Let me help." Harry walks over to me and takes a glass from the cupboard.

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