Chapter 8 -Please Read A/Ns

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A/N: I really don't know why I don't feel like writing. I still enjoy reading though. I don't know... I'm so confused. I don't have much time but I can still update. It also doesn't help that I don't get many votes and comments anymore, so maybe I lack in motivation which might make me not want to update? I don't know... I miss it but I don't. It's so strange. But I'll try get into writing again. I hope you can forgive me? BUT I SAW 1D IN LONDON  (25TH SEPTEMBER) AND I WENT TO SOCCER AID AND COULD HAVE MET LOUIS AND NIALL IF MY UNCLE WOULF HAVE LET ME STAY AFTER THE MATCH!

Louis' P.O.V.

1 week and 6 days later.

Wednesday 7th January (2015).

29 weeks.

Harry and I booked an appointment to find out the baby's gender today. I was thinking about a surprise, but I just got so excited about having this baby, that I had to find out. We -well I- asked Jack to come along too.

"Lou? It's almost time for your appointment!" Harry calls from the hallway.

"I'll be there in a second." I call, putting on a jumper I got for Christmas. I finish up in the bathroom before joining my boyfriend in the hall where he is putting on his boots. "Jack said he is gonna meet us there." I smile and watch him as he nods. He still doesn't like Jack and I don't blame him. It's my fault.  "What are we doing for Zayn's birthday?" I ask, changing the subject so it's not awkward.

"I don't know. Maybe we can discuss something with the others?" He replies, taking hold of my hand.

"Yeah. We can call them after the appointment." I smile.

"Ready to go?" He asks.

I nod and then we're off.


"I can't believe it..." I say, rubbing a hand over my stomach.

"I know." Harry grins, placing a hand on my stomach.

"A little girl. A girl." I grin.

"Now we need to look up girl names and maybe some unisex ones too?" Harry smiles.

"Yeah. Looking at boy names won't do us any harm." I say with a smile as I sit in the sofa.  "I can't wait to tell people the news."

"Neither can I. Oh I can't wait for a baby shower." Haz gushes, getting out his phone.

"That's not going to be for a little while yet, love." I chuckle softly.

"I know. But I can look at some ideas, right?" My boyfriend grins.

"If that makes you happy, babe. Knock yourself out. I'm going for a nap." I say, getting up and giving Harry a peck on the lips before making my way into our room.

"Okay! I'm going to message Liam and Niall about Zayn's birthday." I hear him reply.

"Okay." I say, sitting on the bed and taking off my shoes.

I still can't believe that we have our own place. I mean it's only a small two-bedroom flat. But we have a garden, even if it's small, since we're on the bottom floor and parking out the front. We have a good sized living room, kitchen and bathroom. It's okay. I mean we don't pay it all ourselves -our parents help us out, but that's great. I feel bad but I'm so thankful. Some parents would flip if they found out their 16 (almost 17) and 18 year old sons were expecting a baby. Well my dad, mark, wasn't exactly they happiest but he's actually quite excited now. I think it's because we're a very close family. Anne, Robin and Gemma and even Des and his new partner love me. And my parents and sisters love Harry. The girls mainly love him because he lets them put makeup on him and dress him up and all that shit I put up for years. I refuse now and manage to convince Harry to do it. He secretly loves it.

I sigh happily and lie back on the bed, resting my head on Harry's pillow because I like the smell. Strawberry shampoo.

I really do hope this child is Harry's. While Jack can be nice, he's not always in it to be a father. I just want my baby to have a good life. Jack is more into messing around and going out with his friends. He's missed appointments and all sorts because he's "too busy" with his friends. I don't want my daughter to miss out spending time with their father because they'd rather be at some house party with their mates, getting drunk and high. It happened to me with my dad. He left me and mum not long after I was born because he would rather spend time with his mates in the pub. When I was about 3 or 4, I would wait hours for him to turn up to come get me as he said he would and never turn up. My mum would have to lie to me saying he was sick or that she was silly and got the wrong day -of course I'd believe her but I was still sad. Now I'm older and I realise that I didn't need him but growing up, while I still had Mark, I still felt so bad because my dad didn't want me. I just don't want my little girl going through that. While we're all going to love her -she may feel as if her father doesn't. I just hope that he changes once she's born if he is her father. And if he isn't I hope he doesn't feel like a waste of time. I could get the test done now but it can be risky when pregnant and I guess it's probably more accurate after she's born.

So far, everything, more or less is going okay. So I hope it stays like that.

A/N: I'm sorry it's only short but I don't know what to write. The next one should be longer. So they're having a girl. I have been looking at the names and I've picked out a few that I like and a few of my own. I'll probably post them in the next chapter and you can comment on the ones that you like.
I was also thinking about doing another character ask?
If so, you can ask questions on the next chapter I post, which hopefully won't be that long now.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
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-Lou xx

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