Chapter 7

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A/N: Long time, eh? I'm sorry.

Louis' P.O.V.

Same day

Wednesday 24th December

27 weeks

"Thanks for the presents everyone, I really appreciate them all." I smile, looking at my pile of presents that I received.

"Its no problem, Lou. It is your birthday!" Niall grins.

"I know... I -and the baby got some amazing stuff... Thank you all again." I smile, looking around at all the people.

I thought it was only meant to be a small get-together. Nope. Harry invited more than just my family.

We had Harry, myself, my mum, my step dad, all four of my sisters, Harry's mum, Harry's step dad, Harry's sister, Zayn, Perrie (magically), Niall, Liam, Jack (wow!) and Jack's boyfriend -Ethan.

I don't even know how he got Jack here -considering he hates his guts. Oh well.

"You're still coming to ours tomorrow for Christmas dinner, right?" Anne, Harry's mum, asks.

"Of course, mum." Harry nods.

"And ours for New Years?" My mum asks.

"Yep." I smile, looking up at her.

"Good." My mum smiles as she gets up from the sofa. "We better be off, the girls need an early night."

"Because Santa is coming tonight!" Daisy giggles excitedly.

"Of course. Better hurry home so Santa can visit." I smile, standing up and going over to the twins.

I give them a kiss on their foreheads each before hugging them both. I repeat the same thing with my older sisters then hug my mum, she rubbing my bump and kissing my forehead, and then I hug my step dad. Harry does the same process of me, but shaking my step dad's hand instead of hugging him. We all say goodbye to my family before everyone else begins to leave. Soon enough its just Harry, Jack, Ethan and I.

Harry and Jack sat on either side of me, each having one hand on the baby bump while glaring at one another. Ethan was stood by the other recliner chair, awkwardly and probably feeling a bit left out.

"You can sit down, Ethan. " I smile a bit.

"I know, but I want to stand for a bit." Ethan nods, looking around.

I nod awkwardly before looking at Jack and then Harry, them still glaring at one another every so often.

"Anyone want anything to eat? Drink?" I smile awkwardly and walk into the kitchen.

This is a very uncomfortable situation.

I get out a mug and turn the kettle on as I hear feet enter the kitchen. I don't bother looking, I can't face them because its a very awkward situation.

A pair of arms wrap around me, immediately I know it's Harry. He is my boyfriend after all.

"I'll have a coffee, babe." Harry whispers before kissing my cheek.

I get out a mug for Harry before turning around slightly, to look at the other two lads in the room.

"What do you want to drink?" I ask. Jack goes to speak but Ethan cuts him of before he can start.

"I think we should be heading home, busy day tomorrow with it being Christmas and all. Come on Jack." Ethan looks at me as I silently thank him.

He takes Jack's hand as they make their way out of our flat, leaving Harry and I alone.

Only You {Sequel to When Two Nerds Meet} (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now