Chapter 9

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Louis' P.O.V.

4 days later.

Sunday 11th January (2015).

29 weeks and 4 days

"Thanks for coming guys, I appreciate it." Zayn smiles and waves to us as Harry and I leave his house.

Liam organised a party for Zayn at his house, after asking his parents first. It was only small, only being Zayn's immediate family and us boys there (Harry, Liam, Niall and I). Perrie of course couldn't make it, but we managed to meet up and I got the present she for Zayn to give to him.

I feel so bad for them. Zayn's parents aren't doing anything to help and Perrie's are still trying to get her an abortion or convince her to give the baby up. She said that she would run away if she could but she just can't. It wouldn't be fair on the baby. Harry and I have offered her to stay here but she declined. We only have two rooms and that's for us and the baby. I wish I could help them more.

"Lou? Are you okay?" Harry asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah... Just thinking about Zayn and Perrie. I feel so bad for them. I really want to help them out." I confess, looking up at my green-eyed boyfriend.

"You are helping them, Boo. You managed to get them to meet up in secret for a bit and then you got Perrie's present for Zayn and gave it to him. He's so happy. You are helping them loads." Harry smiles, making me feel happier.

"I guess. But I wish I could do more." I sigh.

"Things will work out, love. They will work out." Harry hums.

3 days later

Wednesday 14th January (2015)

30 weeks.

I smile down at my new baby scan that I got earlier today. My little girl is growing well and is a good size (about the size of a cabbage apparently). She's very active with her strong kicks even though her room is getting limited now. I've been warned that some of my old pregnancy symptoms will be coming back and new ones may start such as fatigue, tender breasts, pregnancy heart burn, being hormonal and one that's already started again -needing to pee constantly. I might also be a bit more clumsy due to the change in my centre of gravity. So that should be fun. At least Harry isn't pregnant because he is clumsy enough as it is.

"Louis! It's almost half 6!" Harry calls from the kitchen.

Jack is coming around later to help think of baby names. We all have quite a lot and we need to bring them down. He was going to come straight after the scan but he had to go back to school for a football meeting after the training match he missed out on because Harry made him come to the scan.

"I'm coming!" I reply, getting up from the bed carefully and making my way into the kitchen, just as Harry was finishing cleaning up after dinner.

"How was your nap?" Haz asks, resting a hand on my baby bump.

"To be honest, I didn't really sleep at all." I chuckle a bit, placing my hand over his.

"Of course." He playfully rolls his eyes.

"Shh!" I say, covering his mouth with my hand.

Only You {Sequel to When Two Nerds Meet} (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now