Chapter 2.

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{a/n : Sooooo? did you like the first chapter? Anyways here is another chapter. It's in Harry's Pov. Luff you my. Sweet Vions. I seriously feel like I'm talking to myself. -.-. Oh well everyone starts at the bottom. }


'' Great job mates! '' Louis yelled as we all sat down at the bar side. We had finished the operation quick and slick. That was our motto in TBC. '' Quick and Slick ''.

'' This is great. Getting paid millions! '' Niall yelled as he ordered us all a round of shots. It wasn't a surprise he got out of his den to celebrate. We were all still in our mid 20's. Young and still craving an adventure.

'' I'm still waiting for the day that I can shag with Maria and Kelsey. '' Liam said and the two girls flipped him off.

Liam has been chasing them since the beginning of all this. 3 years. '' Oh come on. '' Liam complained as he followed the girls begging for them In bed. They just kept denying him.

Louis , Niall , Zayn , Ri , and Harry were at the table now.

'' I got to go. My babe probably going to kick my ass. '' Ri said getting off the bar stool. Ri has been dating a girl named Natalia. Natalia doesn't know much about Ri's work and all the TBC members know that. It's too dangerous to expose people in their line of work.

'' Bye Ri. '' Zayn said kissing Ri on the cheek and soon me and Louis followed. You could say that Ri was like the baby of the group. If we couldn't date her we'd sure as he'll protect her from all the pervs.

'' Okay Zayn. Hazzah. Are we going to find a shag. Shall we scan the perimeter. '' Louis said taking in another shot. They did this all the time. They would hook up. All of them the one night stand type of guys.

We all scanned the dance floor from the barstools each of us trying to find the perfect girl to take home. I was always doing this.

Yah I felt guilty sometimes but I knew if I had no one close to me no one would get hurt.

'' There I like that one. See yah later. '' Louis pointed to a red head with blue eyes she was pretty and looked like she just got off work by her flight attendant costume. That or she was a stripper.

Zayn was soon of with a girl with purple hair and brown eyes. Odd. I was left at the bar searching for the perfect victim. It was the usual right now. Sl*ts in the tightest and most revealing clothes. Men grinding looking for a hook up. I almost gave up and chose a classic blonde with blue eyes till I caught sight of a beauty across the room.

Even from a distance I could see her mesmerizing blue eyes and her maroon dress that covered about half her body. Her hair shimmering and shining like moonlight woven with sunlight altogether. She was beautiful.

I got of my chair determined to get a name out of this angel. I tried pushing in the crowd only to be grinded by two girls. Twins. They were dark skinned and had smooth skin like coco. I tried to get out of their grip but it didn't work. By the time I managed to get away the beautiful girl with the beautiful body and face was walking out the door.

'' Ill find you. '' I said after I ran outside and looked around. She was nowhere.

{ a/n: short chapter I know. I'm getting to the whole love and romance part trust me. Luff U , Vi }

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