Rain Down and Destroy Me ~Tyler~

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Our laugh is broken by a bolt of lightning. And the rain starts again, melting all the snow into mushy puddles of ice.

"Typical." I sigh. "The one time I'm enjoying myself and it's ruined by the weather."

"WELL WHY DONT YOU JUST RAIN DOWN AND DESTROY ME!" I Shout up into the grey clouds.

"Go ahead..., I'm dead anyway." I whisper.

"Woah! Tyler where did that energy come from!" Josh laughs, trying his best to turn it into some sort of joke.

"My mom's side of the family- always had a grudge against thunderstorms." I say sarcastically.

"Maybe we should go back, it'll be morning soon, and you're parents will be worried." Josh says whilst yawning.

"Whatever bro." I answer.

We both climb down from the tree, stopping a looking up each time lightning strikes. As I jump down, Josh begins smiling at me.

"What?" I say, smiling at him back.

"I'll always be here if you need me, I know I've probably told you this before but I'm here if you ever want to talk to me." He says in a more serious tone.

"I know man, I'll be here for you too!" I smile playfully punching Josh on the shoulder.

"But seriously, you can tell me anything..." Josh adds.

"Josh, You're my best friend and I think you know me more than Jenna, more than anyone actually."

"Come lets go before we get drenched!" I shout as a flash of lightning spreads across the sky.

"Tyler wait!" Josh shouts at me trying to catch up with me. I don't slow down, from Josh's perspective it probably seems like I'm running away from him, but the truth is, I'm trying to run away from myself, before my mind catches me, and kills me.

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