Too Morbid ~Josh~

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Tyler and Jenna walk in holding hands, Tyler looks upset and so does Jenna.

"You alright?" Tyler's dad asks as they come and sit down on the same couch as me and Debby.

"Yeah." Tyler says trying not to break down all over again. His dad looks across the room at everyone, and notices our morbid faces.

" How about we go out for dinner? You know, at TacoBell or something? Maybe that'll cheer you up!" He smiles as the rest of us nod our heads in agreement.

I glance at Tyler and give him a cheesy smile because we haven't had TacoBell in over a month! He gives me an even cheesier smile as we all head out the door.

"I'll drive!" Tyler smiles, hopping into one off the cars.

"Shotgun!" I shout running after him.

"I guess it's me and you in the back then!" Debby giggles to Jenna.

"We'll go in the other car then!" His dad smiles,as Maddy, Zack, Jay Tyler's mom and my parents hop into the other bigger car.

"See you there!" I shout through the window as Tyler pulls out the driveway.

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