The Talk

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PDRFME was buried is a grave the size of a shoe box
We put fresh flowers on her grave once a week
It's strange
I'm the only one who knows what she looks like
Sammy was just as crushed as I but we didn't know how to tell the boys

Our boys are now 5 years old and I was taking them to visit my father while Sammy went to visit her folks
They both had dark brown curly hair but one had hazel eyes while the other had my weird brown-ish yellow eyes
It was the only way I could tell them apart
My dad still lived near that one tree that could never be cut down
The tree of her beginning
The tree of our families history

We walked there together as I knew we would and Dad begin the traditional tale I got to hear as a kid
They were an attentive lot
Sitting in their folded chairs
Asking questions

The timing felt right so I told them...

You guys had a sister but she is now a part of this tree. She a wise spirit. She shined just like your mother.

They nodded not entirely understanding I'm sure but probably adding it to their Grandpa's story
And to think I'm going to be there one day
Doing the same thing as my Dad for their kids
Time flies by fast

My two legacy's
The tree
The memories
I swear I could feel her standing beside me telling me everything was going to be okay
She was right
I did meet Sammy
I pat the tree
This tree will out last me
My children will hopefully out last me
I can feel the love in the unbalanced ways of the universe
And just like that
I am calm
No longer the ghost I was when I was younger
But a man

Know Child of Mind (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang