strange creature

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I run to get lost
It's an uphill battle
Me versus the snow
the rocks
unknown holes
and my thoughts that outweigh the silence

I'm thinking about joining the military once I get out of school
If I train hard enough it won't be as difficult on my body when I'm in
The blisters
The aching
The sweat
I want to be stronger
For myself
For others
I want to be reliable

As a kid when I found out I couldn't fly or lift heavy objects like my favorite superhero I was crushed
But when you're part of the army you get to protect millions of people
My grandpa did
In a way I want to be like him

My father is strict but that's to be expected
My mother well she stayed as long as she could I guess
I want to see the world
Escape myself
Accomplish something beyond my imagination
Beyond my own standards
I run a little faster
In my head I become my own drill sargent 

There are rocks in my backpack
Weights on my ankles
A pebble in my shoe
Everything has a purpose
I am no longer trying to be superhuman but simply super me

I stumble sometimes but I'm not using my first aid kit until I reach the top
It's seven miles but the top is worth it

First mile is always the easiest
Second mile a little harder a little sweat
Third mile dull muscle aches a few stumbles, more sweat and hard to breathe
Fourth mile my legs feels heavy, a little sweat, and I'm slowing down
Fifth mile I feel invincible and I feel all my muscles
Sixth mile I feel the aches and stumble a little
Seventh mile I'm simply jogging and enjoying the terrain

Finally at the top I get on my knees and yell
Someone might hear
But I don't care
I didn't give up
And I start to cry
For the things I know
For the things I don't know
Cold tears
Colder world

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