Feelings talk

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We are all owned by something

I keep thinking I'm a vessel on this crazy ship called life
I'm fighting to stay onboard
I see people beside me
Some have it worse
Some have it better

There is even an heirarchy in death
depending on your beliefs
I don't know what to believe

We know the sky isn't the limit
Space isn't the limit
And trying to stuff all this knowledge in the brain
Makes me feel insane

So much to say
But I stay silent today
And watch people talk
And become a non playable character on autopilot

There are not enough words for me to say how I feel so I zone out
My friends thankfully know not to ask but just walk next to me and pat me on the shoulder
They may not understand what's going on in my mind but at least they know to give me space

It happens sometimes
Wanting to distance myself from others
Wanting to be complete
Wanting to know all but then what would be the use in living?
No longer searching for purpose
No longer worrying about the end

It's drastic both ways
I get on the bus with my beats in and drown in notes of despair
I'm here today
I'm here

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