I'm Spinning

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I walk in and it's all noise
The latest of mumble rap
dark room
flashing lights
pretty girls
chill guys
It was day but it felt like night
My kind of party

I greeted some people I knew
Holding up the corner
They're older than me of course
We talk in generic circles
They tell me I should enjoy my youth
Drinks poured
I joke
Laughter greets me

Girls sitting beside me
I feel like a king
A few flirts thrown back and forth
And I got some digits
We play never have l ever
I know some digits that I'm not calling tonight

I can be judgemental sometimes
Everyone has a line
Spitting in other people's food is mine
She puts her finger down and so went my thoughts of her with it
The pizza gets here

I remember thinking I want my life to be complete like this pizza
I'm stuck in this world full of billions of people
I'm reaching out trying to find minds like mine
People I want to keep close to me
People that I sometimes keep at a distance because I know it'll eventually fail

The truth is I only trust myself
After years of losing people I'm immune to it
I'll enjoy whatever company I can
I mean technically there's a possibility I don't exist
Maybe someone's just dreaming about me and my actions aren't my own

Life itself is a conspiracy but man is pizza delicious
2 slices and sips of the bubbly and I'm full
She begged me to dance and when I finally said yes we went to the middle of the dance floor
A cacophony of perfume, cologne and some minor funk coming from the left section which I avoided

Next thing I know a fast song came on and she was rolling real close on my bone
I try to back up because a rising bone isn't what I wanted right now in this situation
She came closer not getting the memo and I made my exit
She'll find someone else to entertain my mind's not in it right now


I found the bathroom thankfully empty after trying to walk past people quickly so they wouldn't notice my happy wood
Being this sensitive is a blessing and a curse
I lock the door and it smelled of fresh lemon
A sea theme
There were fish prints everywhere

The bathroom was innocent enough but what I was about to do was not
I put tissues in my pocket and chose the cocoa butter lotion from the cabinet
I took out my manhood and let my lustful thoughts flow

I picture long black hair, deep brown eyes that appear black and she's sucking the soul out of me
She has no name
For I grow attached to characters
Especially imaginary ones
We create a perfect rhythm
Her smile is devilish and hungry
I feel devoured

I speed up a little and she deep throats me like a champ
I grabbed the tissues before I lost it
I bit my lip to keep from crying out loud before I explode in exctasy
Then I am again alone
Just a dude with his hands on his member
wondering if it makes me gay since I touched myself

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