Chapter Twenty-Three~A Princess

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It takes me two hours just to learn how to interact with other people. Another two to learn the barest hint of the language. After this, Shuri dives into the history of the Black Panther, my history, and I'm thankful Steve finds us and gives us some food he smuggled. Otherwise, I never would've eaten a thing. While the work is challenging and complicated, it's also rich and fascinating. I'm happy to dump all the math I've ever learned out of my head in exchange for it. Shuri is more than helpful. She allows me into her mind when a concept is hard for me to grasp and the only reason I learn a sliver of the language is because of that.

By the near end of day, she's relatively confident I won't completely shame myself. Peter, after finally working out how to wear his outfit, sits nicely behind me listening and asking questions when he can. It's a few hours before sunset when T'Challa comes back to the lab to announce that everyone is ready. My hand slides into Peter's, briefly forgetting everything Shuri just said about physical touch in public. Her sigh tells me she notices. After a reassuring squeeze, I drop his hand and stand up. T'Challa waves me forward and Shuri and I walk side by side, as equals. After a long walk, we enter the sun and I squint before my eyes adjust. My breath leaves me in a long gust at the sight.

A crowd bigger than I've ever seen spans the city, bobbing heads of every color and height dispersed through the gleaming city all looking to one place. Of course, I'm in that place. There's no podium like any of the press conferences I've been to. T'Challa just steps forward to the point stretching towards the people and the rest of us move to his side. His mother to his left with Okoye next to her, Shuri to his right and me next to her. Peter stands at least a foot behind me and I have to shut out his nerves before they get to me. The team is standing in the front row of the crowd, off to the side. Their presence, at least, is a salve to my nerves.

"People of Wakanda!" T'Challa shouts and claps. The people clap in return and silence falls over the golden city. I swallow. "We do not often have occasion to gather like this, but I believe many of you know the past few days have not been normal. The Avengers are here after one of their own was nearly seized by death, but through Wakanda's riches and Shuri's mind, she is healed." He pauses for a moment as the crowd bursts with hollers and hoots. I do my best to remain stoic and firm. Silence descends as T'Challa claps and the crowd copies him.

"But this is not the announcement I have called you all here to make." Shuri and I trade places and I move forward so I'm only slightly behind T'Challa. "While Shuri was healing this young woman, she found that we share DNA." Soft voices whisper as surprise rolls through the crowd. "After further testing and delving into her history, it has been made certain that she is of Wakanda and of my father's blood. She is a lost princess." The crowd descends into silence and that's somehow worse than if they'd burst into objections. "Myself and my family have accepted her, but the choice to accept her as your princess is yours." T'Challa looks to me with uncertainty in his eyes before he turns.

"Wait," I whisper. He turns back to me with high eyebrows. "Can I?" I ask and tilt my head to the still silent crowd. He blinks in surprise before nodding once. Smiling thankfully, I turn and step towards where he stood. The crowd wavers in uncertainty as T'Challa clips what apparently is a microphone to my dress then stands beside Shuri. My eyes scan the fidgeting team first, taking in Steve's blue eyes steady on me, then look over the people. "I know that you don't know me and I don't know you." I start, feeling out the volume of my voice and the effect it has on the crowd.

"We're strangers that somehow mean something to one another and I understand your trepidation because I feel it myself. Still, I will not run from this. From a part of myself. So, I throw myself to you hoping for acceptance as I struggle to accept a new facet of myself. I accept my duty to you. And if you decide not to welcome me...I'll accept that too." I take a breath and put my fist over my heart, bowing to the crowd as a gesture of respect and loyalty.

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