Chapter Nineteen-Revelation

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Peter dons his suit and I latch onto his back so we can take a little short cut. We swing through the city leaving laughter in our wake before we reach the other side of the city. There's a bonfire on the cliffs about the size of two VW bugs stacked on top of one another and Wakandan people gathered around it. Some are sitting in a circle around the flames while some dance, beads and claws and wood clanging together on their wearers, making a strange sort of beat. Rocks are placed close to the fire and heat up before others slap meat onto them. The smell of the wood and searing meat fills the air and reminds me of something wild, but comforting. Peter's stomach rumbles softly and I laugh again.

"When was the last time you ate, copilot?" I ask teasingly and tug him towards the flames while his suit fades back into black shorts and grey tank top.

"Haven't eaten since you got hurt, Jo." He tells me and my smile falters. My hand on his tightens as we continue winding our way through the people.

"Well, that needs to change," I say and we come to a stop when Shuri finds us. She's changed and now wears a bright red dress shaped like Natasha's, but with a collar of beads around her neck that falls to her shoulders and a skirt of beads lying over the red fabric from her waist to her knees. Her braids are loose as well and slide over her shoulders like water while the fire is reflected in her dark eyes.

"Glad you two could make it!" She shouts happily and takes my hand to lead both of us further. "Your team is waiting for you with some food." Peter's stomach growls again and we move a little quicker. Our chain disconnects as we arrive at the team and Peter leaves my side to sit beside Tony who instantly hands him a plate with a mountain of food on it. Shuri giggles. "I am glad we made a lot of food. You enhanced really eat." My eyes scan the group and their large plates of food in agreement. Natasha seems to be fielding, or more likely fueling, an argument between Sam and Bucky. Steve and Tony are sitting next to each other on a long bench with Peter now softly contributing. It's a nice scene.

"Come," Shuri calls my attention to her again. She takes my hand again and I wave to Steve when his brows furrow at me. Shuri leads me through the winding bodies until we're a little way away from the fire and I spy a dark silhouette just barely visible even further out. He smiles and I recognize T'Challa.

"King." I greet him and incline my head despite my confusion. He nods toward me.

"Jo. Or should I now call you imvula umntwana?" He questions and I laugh softly, recalling the name W'Kabi called me.

"I think perhaps I should learn the language before I'm called anything in it," I tell him and glance at Shuri hopefully. She nods.

"I'll teach you. It'll give me a good laugh." We chuckle before turning back to T'Challa when he steps forward. His thoughtful eyes rest on mine and I feel his apprehension. My skin prickles uneasily.

"Is this the thing you and Shuri have been keeping from me since I woke up?" I ask. Shuri's eyes widen, but T'Challa just smiles wider.

"Yes. I wanted to tell you on your own, so there would only be your questions to answer. Besides, this is a personal matter." He says and the three of us walk slowly further out towards the silver light of the moon than the orange light of the fire.

"Personal for you or for me?"

"Both," T'Challa tells me and my eyebrows pop up. He sighs and gestures to a tree a couple of feet ahead of us. "Our lives and the lives of our ancestors are much like trees. There is so much to see above the surface," his hand reaches out and rests on the bark. "that sometimes we forget that there is even more beneath." His eyes go back to mine before he gestures to Shuri. She moves in front of me with a hesitancy that seems unnatural to her.

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